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A couple of numbers questions...


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I've been watching my BP the last week rarely is more that 10 off in either direction, is 110/70 considered low BP? My cardio put me on 0.1mg Florinef 1x, even though my BP didn't change much in the TTT (presumably because of low blood volume).

Also, been watching my HR on the Fitbit and I average like 55-65 lying or sitting, 75-80 walking around with an occasion short spike to 95-100.  Even with a negative TTT, can you have POTS with what is (I assume) such a low HR?

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It's best to be measured and tested without medication.  Medications like florinef, if they work properly, could move your HR and BP into the normal range.  I assume your HR increased on the TTT even if your BP didn't fall and that you had the TTT before you started florinef.

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Plenty of people have positive TTTs with meds, but was trying to explain to Shane why the POTS symptoms might be mitigated by the medication - so he can't be sure that he doesn't have POTS based on the numbers provided on meds.

5 hours ago, TCP said:

Both my TTT's were with Propranolol (1st) and Ivabradine, the second one....the cardio still diagnosed POTS as I was so symptomatic. 


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5 hours ago, Shane said:

Yes, TTT was before Florinef.  HR did increase on TTT, but didn't sustain or hit any level to call it positive.  Thanks.

If you didn't have a positive TTT how did your doctor diagnose dysautonomia?  Why did he decide to put you on florinef (or give you a TTT in the first place)?

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I assume your fitbit is like my Garmin and only checks every 2 minutes unless actively checking or broadcasting.  BTW I would recommend the Garmin it is waterproof . That being said if your ranges are correct then yes it is possible to have POTS with such a "low HR" it is not the numbers but the jump of 30 or more, sustained, with symptoms while standing. I used to do the poor man's tilt table with a blood pressure cuff in the beginning before my diagnosis. I now use my Garmin to check on myself. For instance I was sweeping my back patio and all of a sudden felt really ill. Because I know my normal ranges I was able to check and see my HR was abnormally high and went and laid down before my body rebelled at me for days. Sometimes I feel sick and it turns out my Garmin says I am in range so I push through it. 

110/70 could be low. Depends on what is normal for you.  That is what mine looks like if I take my beta blocker and not my midodrine. I have had doctors and nurses say it looks good and others say it is low. I used to run a perfect 120/80 before my POTS reared its head. I know low would be 90/60. But I don't think 10 points below average would be low. 


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I agree with @StayAtHomeMom - both BP and HR normal depend on what YOU normally run. I used to be 90's/50"s before I got POTS and felt like a million bucks. So - 110/70 may be normal for you. Also - as stayathomemom said - if your baseline HR is 60 and it goes to 90 or above and stays there for 10 minutes OR you have a HR above 120 for 10 minutes AND you have symptoms that is considered POTS. So - again - it depends on your baseline HR. 

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14 hours ago, Pistol said:

I agree with @StayAtHomeMom - both BP and HR normal depend on what YOU normally run. I used to be 90's/50"s before I got POTS and felt like a million bucks. So - 110/70 may be normal for you. Also - as stayathomemom said - if your baseline HR is 60 and it goes to 90 or above and stays there for 10 minutes OR you have a HR above 120 for 10 minutes AND you have symptoms that is considered POTS. So - again - it depends on your baseline HR. 

I think you are right.  90/60 would be considered low for someone whose BP is normally 120/80 and vice versa 120/80 is high if your normal BP is 90/60.  But generally doctors wouldn't worry if you are between 90/60 and 120/80 .  

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