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anesthesia tips?


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Hi - I have hyper-POTS and have a history of nasty side effects from general anesthesia. Usually there was always a very good anesthetist at my local hospital who informed herself about POTS prior to ever taking my case on. The first surgery she managed me in she did a spinal while lying down to avoid BP spikes, that worked well. Other surgeries she always managed me with extra fluids or even volume expanders and treated all BP fluctuations without severe problems DURING the anesthesia. Afterwards of course I dealt always with the usual post-op problems for dysautonmia ( syncope, seizures, flares, surges etc) --- Well - now I have to have surgery under general anesthesia again but my anesthesiologist no longer works at that hospital The surgeon said she would alert the anesthesia dept of my case so they could prepare but of course I am worried a bit. So here is my question: has anyone here any tips on how to prepare for or recover from anesthesia? I am thinking of getting IV fluids prior to surgery and my PCP always keeps me overnight for fluids and monitoring until I can walk without passing out. Does anyone know what anesthetics work better for hyper-POTS than others? I have read other posts here on the subject but have not seen anything that would ease my mind. Thanks for any replies!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I get fluids before surgery and they use different types on me depending how deeply and how long I am under sedation/anesthesia. I know they use propofol for lighter sedation on me not sure what the others are.

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I'm wondering the same thing, Pistol, as soon I'm going to need an operation to fix my sinus problems. 

I haven't gone under general anaesthesia in about 7 or so years, but I wasn't in such a hyperadregenic state then (and I still didn't react well to it). 

Definitely agree that fluids will be hugely advantageous, as you said, and an anaesthetist who understands what you're going through! 

Wishing you the very best! 

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I had a minor procedure done last year and was given both Fentanyl and Midazolam IV... The remainder of that evening was very hazy and I slept a lot, but the rest of the week was awful! I got so sick, ran a fever for a few days with uncomfortable chest pains. It ran its course and I was fine, but I don't know for sure if it was the sedation or if I just got the flu after??

I didn't get IV fluids though so I agree with everyone else; definitely opt for that!

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