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Does Dysautonomia cause someone to feel cold a lot?  It doesn't seem to matter what temp the room is I'm cold.  When I try to check my glucose level I can't get enough blood flow even when I wash my hands in warm water before sticking finger.  I may feel cold all day then suddenly for no apparent reason have hot flush & sweat.  From one extreme to the other.  The older I get the more surprises this illness has or maybe I'm just blaming every symptom on it.  Thanks.

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Guest KiminOrlando

Short answer - yes. :( 

The joke with my friends and family is that I have a 1.5 degree range in temperature where I am comfortable. Anything outside of that and I am miserable. That 1.5 degree range also happens to be a moving target.

The hand thing could be Reynaud's. Do your fingers ever turn blue? You should mention this to your doctor, a cardiologist if you have one. I have it too and keep a heating pad by my chair to warm my hands - and I live in FLORIDA! If this is what it is, you will just need to be mindful of what you do. In theory, you can lose fingers to that disease because you can lose circulation. Of course, it could be something else too.

Oh, fun fact. I can be standing up, sweating because my chest is pounding, so hot that I think I am ready to pass out, and my hands are blue and ice cold. It just makes no sense!

And the hot flashes... I have no idea. Me too. Is it the Northera? The dysautonomia? Have I just become 'a woman of a certain age' as my mom likes to say? Oh lovely, I'm going to get menopause in addition to dysautonomia. Can't wait...


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  • 3 months later...

Did you have your thyroid checked? My numbers were low normal and my one endocrinologist called it sub-clinical and placed me on low dose thyroid med and it helped my feeling cold alot!

Hope this helps


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