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The day after exercising

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Does anyone else get a weird rebound effect the day after exercising?

Last night I did some weight lifting along with some extra cardio biking. I didn't push myself too far since I was fine afterwards when I made a protein shake and got in bed to relax for the night.

This morning I woke up feeling great, took my salt pills as usual with some electrolyte drink (skratch labs) and went about my morning doing the dishes and working from home.

All of a sudden out of nowhere my heart went up to 130 and I started getting my usual POTS symptoms so I had to get back in bed and calm myself down with a beta blocker. I don't take the beta blocker everyday, only as needed and I haven't needed it since last Wednesday.

I've noticed a trend now after having POTS for months and it seems like after every exercise night I have horrible symptoms the next day.

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Not bad, the beta blocker definitely takes the edge off but leaves me feeling pretty loopy in bed. It must of been some excess adrenaline too because once I calmed down it was shaking quite a bit for some time after. Now I'm exhausted and I haven't even left my room all day! blah.

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Yes, this was a very big issue for me.  In my case, when I started monitoring my heart rate during exercise, I found that it was going too high and not calming down enough after.  Then I would have bouts of tachycardia and have to stay in bed.  I also got migraines for days after exercising.

A few things helped me with this - first warming up and cooling down to ease into exercise.  I also started wearing compression hose when riding the bike - this kept my HR down.  And then finally I realized that cardio wasn't really for me - I switched to yoga, which is much gentler for my body and helped me recover from POTS.   

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  • 2 months later...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I wrote a post about this problem earlier this year...

To overcome this weird rebound effect, I focus on strength training with my personal trainer and don't let my heart rate get too high. A high intensity cardio workout will always set it off. I feel great whilst exercising but that night or a day later when I'm at rest my body will go berserk. It's very weird.

Don't give up on exercise though because I feel better for it. My POTs flare ups have been less severe since building muscle especially in my legs.




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