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Occular POTS triggers?


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So I had an bi-annual eye exam a week ago and as part of the exam they used drops to dilate my eyes. During the exam after the drops I experienced severe nausea and vertigo. My eyes were extremely sensitive to light  and I spent several hours in bed with a pillow over my eyes to recover. Skip to Sunday. I was doing some work with a large magnifier with a fluorescent light attached to it and I immediately started having the same sensations. I spent all day in bed and have not felt right since. Has anyone else ever had this type of experience?

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Yup. Every eye exam, any over bright lights, flickering lights like a fluorescent bulb about to die or driving through trees when the sun is shining through them, various panning scenes on the tv, driving at night and suddenly having oncoming headlights (which is why I avoid night driving if possible.) 

My POTS neuro, who is also a certified headache specialist,  says it's more related to my migraine syndrome than POTS itself. However, he also openly admits that there is a strong connection between dysautonomia and migraines that they don't understand yet. So take that all for what it's worth. 

All I know is that certain visual stimulation can make me deathly ill and extremely disoriented. It can trigger acute migraine pain, nausea up to and including vomiting, presyncopal episodes, vertigo and some other disoriented feeling that I can't quite describe. 

Also, loud or particularly high pitched or repetitive noise can intensify these effects and/or cause them. I have hyperacusis, so this part may be particular to my issues.

I have found that the "HDVision" sunglasses can cut down on some of this effect both day and nighttime and even viewing electronics. Also dimming the brightness on computer screens, using lamps vs. overhead lighting when possible.

Edited by Katybug
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Thank you so much for your input! I had never had this issue before and of course after a follow up exam they can find nothing different and no reason for it but yet now I too am more sensitive to bright lights and especially to focus issues!

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I'm also sensitive to bright lights and fluorescent lights. In fact, I had an episode in the middle of a job interview due to the lighting (I think--although I'm sure nerves contributed to that situation) and I also quit a job previously because of the constant noise around me, the fluorescent lighting, and the bright green walls. It was altogether too much stimulation for my system to handle. I also dim my computer screen and wear PC glasses that block blue light when I'm working on the computer and when I'm in a situation where I know I'll be under fluorescent lighting or "weird" lighting. You are not alone!

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Yep I would say ditto to most of that and add double vision. You know that big E at the top of the eye chart? When they shine the light in my eyes I see two of them. And not much else. Very light sensitive and relate to most of the above symptoms particularly dizzy/balance issues for me. I have vestibular migraines. You are not alone :)


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My husband has taken down every flourescent light from our home. I can't stand to drive at night either. I hate to go anywhere with flourescents, which seems to be everywhere you go, anymore. I wear sunglasses everywhere or I suffer the consequences. I've always had one pupil that is more dilated than the other. I also have issues with vertigo, double vision and blurred vision before being treated. My vision actually has improved, because I spend most of my days on the computer, and don't need correction for close up vision without my contacts. I also take a medication to increase my fluid retention, so that I have a higher blood plasma, and it's even improved my symptoms! I was diagnosed with cataracts about 6 months ago, though!

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