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Spring newsletter and travel tips appreciated

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Guys and gals... I have to say how incredibly helpful this community has been to me. Today as I was reading the spring newsletter I read the question and answer section and was giddy like a game show contestant yelling good answer good answer to you guys' great questions. I love the commentaries and research links as well. This was so timely for me as I get ready ready for my annual specialist road trip. Where I can't think of anything on the way or at my appt but afterwards I feel disappointed as my mind flows with ideas and questions. I'm sure y'all know the feeling. So help me out with car travel tips! I remember my route and have mapped out bathroom breaks... Any other advise, tips, etc???

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Use a small roll of paper towels to make a neck roll to put behind your neck. You'd be surprised how much fatigue it saves because it helps support the weight of your head and keeps your neck in a proper posture. You can do the same for a lumbar roll or use a towel rolled into a cylinder and put rubber bands on the ends. Tennis balls can be put on the floor to roll under your feet to give a foot massage and help circulation.  Changing the seat position every so often changes the pressure points and reduces stiffness/pain. (Tips from my old chiro when I had to drive a lot for my job.)


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