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Migraines: How to prevent them

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I was wondering is there any tips or tricks to prevent migraines from coming? I currently take vitamin b2 400 milligrams for it and I take atenolol. But with my migraines I usually start getting little hints a couple days before a migraine that I am going to get one. Like sometimes i get real anxious and agitated a couple days before one. Sometimes my eye twitches for a couple days before. Sometimes I get a weird metallic taste in my mouth before a migraine. I am getting concerned that I am going to get one in the next day or so because Monday night I had trouble sleeping only had 3 hrs of sleep that night and Sometimes before migraines I don't sleep well. Then yesterday and today my eye twitched non stop and last night I was real anxious and agitated all afternoon. When I do get a migraine I get numbness in one arm and side of my face. I get  slurred speech, blurred vision, and really lightheaded. Then after all that comes the migraine. The headache doesn't really scare me its the auras before the headache. I was wondering if there is a way to stop migraine auras or prevent them from happening when i think one is coming. Does this make sense? 

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I don't know of anything that can stop them from actually appearing, other than what you are doing already, but when my daughter gets one she takes Imitrex and it stops it in its tracks.  They don't work on me, so I take Fioracet.  It's an old drug, but it works.  Migraines are awful.  One thing you might try (check with your other meds first to make sure it doesn't interact) is a Sudafed tablet.  I know that without that my migraines would be significantly worse.  You might actually try a Sudafed while you are having some of these symptoms, don't know if it would help or not.  I'm not a doctor or a pharmacist, so please make sure, before taking my advice, that you do a drug check to make sure you are not going to have some severe reaction to taking this with your other meds.  Hope you feel better soon!

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I'm not sure if there is a way to stop one once it is coming, though if there was a way it would be helpful to know how. That being said I do a bit of what you do; regulate my sleep pattern, move to more consistent eating habits and avoid all trigger foods. I believe both magnesium and b2 are in studies that show how they may improve migraines, I also try and rest more, I see my own migraines as sometimes triggered by overstimulation visually, or by large changes in my sleep patterns, so getting enough rest and downtime for my eyes, which might mean not sitting on my computer for long stretches, is sometimes helpful for me.

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I am a long time migraine sufferer and would recommend joining Migraine Again..migraineagain.com  There is plenty of information and support. Recently I received news of the yearly migraine summit and was able to watch the speakers online.

All the best. Mine are severe and I am always on the lookout for new treatments.


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You may want to add 400 mg of Magnesium Citrate to the B2.  The two together prevent migraines in many people.  When I started taking them the migraine severity and magnitude decreased over a few weeks, and eventually I stopped having them.

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