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What to expect/bring to a first dysautonomia appt.?

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Hey y'all, 

I have my first appointment with an actual dysautonomia specialist (as oppose to GI/Primary Care appointments previously) in less than a week. It is with Dr. Glenn at MUSC, about whom I've heard nothing but incredibly encouraging things. Just wondered if people had suggestions as to what is a good idea to bring? Since dysautonomia can be so non-specific when it comes to symptoms, do people find it helpful to bring a record of their symptoms to demonstrate any patterns? Do you find it's a good idea to simply come with a list of things that tend to be most present most consistently? Any other tips of things that are a good idea to have on hand? I am just desperate to make this as productive as possible, and to finally get some answers... or at least begin the process. 

Thanks and hope everyone is okay!

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If you have heard really good things about the Dr and he is experienced in dysautonomia, I wouldn't worry so much.   Maybe you could call the nurse and ask if any info would be helpful?  You may want to write down your history, symptoms and questions -- just so you don't forget when you are talking to the dr.  

The truth is that your treatment plan will probably take multiple appointments and be figured out over time.  You may have some tests and it isn't unusual to try a few different meds before finding the right combo.  It is encouraging that you have a dr that other people have wonderful things to say about.  There aren't too many of those around! :)  

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From my own experience I would suggest that you are able to explain to your doctors how you feel on your worst days, and what symptoms/ problems you are hoping to resolve with a treatment plan. One of my doctors asked me to list the top 5 symptoms that were bothering me most so we could focus on how to resolve them.

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