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Pots and pregnancy

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Has anyone on here been pregnant while dealing with POTS? Unfortunately my husband and I lost a baby when I was 4 months along due to some unexpected bleeding which caused my water to break. No further explanation was given to us. I will see a high risk doctor the next time around but wanted to see if anyone had any issues with pregnancy or if this is just a fluke situation. I want to get pregnant again soon and am concerned with my heart acting up already that it may make things worse. Beta blockers are not an option until later in the pregnancy so are there any solutions for the first trimester? I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks 

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I am so sorry for your loss. 

Many members have had pregnancies with POTS and there are some small studies on this topic.  In general, POTS in itself does not appear to be a risk factor for pregnancy according to these studies, from what I am aware of.  I had one pregnancy and undiagnosed POTS during the pregnancy that became quite severe.  I don't know your specific heart issues of course, but my doctors were never concerned about my high heart rate during my pregnancy.  I never took a beta blocker (or any meds for POTS) during my pregnancy (since I was undiagnosed mainly!).  For me, fluids and salt helped/help.  I would want to be under the care of a high risk ob/gyn just b/c if you do need meds during pregnancy they are best equipped to advise you on the risks and benefits.

Best wishes!

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