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Echo showed Mitro Vavle Prolapse Possibility??


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I just had an echogram done on Tuesday, showed my valve was flattening, pointing a possibility towards mitro valve prolapse. Does anyone have this. Doing some research on my own, but does this contribute to our already symptoms??



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Hi, I have mitral valve prolapse with a VERY LOUD murmur. I have a fabulous cardiologist who is the one who diagnosed me with MVP with dysautonomia. He is my primary care physician because he is the only doctor I see that has any clue about what really goes on with dysautonomia. So, what does MVP have to do with dysautonomia? Actually, very little. Your ANS and heart are formed about the same time in fetal development. Oftentimes, a problem in one of these systems correlates with a problem in the other due to what was going on during fetal development at the time. While dysautonomia can affect heart function such as heart rate and blood pressue, it pertains little to the structure of the heart. MVP is a structural abnormality. Luckily, it is usually a benign abnormality (but not always). A lot of doctors use the terms MVP Syndrome or MVP with dysautonomia to refer to the symptoms we discuss here on this board. Dysautonomias don't fit into any neat package so if your sxs include the heartrate and blood pressure abnormalities and you also happen to have MVP you will probably be diagnosed with MVP Syndrome or MVP with dysautonomia.


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If you don't mind me asking, who your dr. is? Or if you would rather e-mail me. I was wondering if he was with the MVP center. I go there once a year if I can, and have found that so far they are the only group I have found that understands. I've yet to find one local to me that does.

Glad you have a doc that's a keeper!

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I have MVP and a murmur..I was diagnosed when I was 14 years old. MVP can cause some palptiations and similar stuff that we experience...

Although it is not life threatening... A pretty large percentage of the population has it.

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I also have MVP. I was dx'd at the Birmingham MVP and Dysautonomia center, but the doctor I saw there is now retired. I get flutterings and weird somersaults in my chest from the MVP and a host of other symptoms that can be MVP or dysautonomia related. Not everyone with MVP has dysautonomia, but it seems to be a common thread among those with dysautonomia. This condition is almost always completely benign.


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In S.A we call it Barlow syndrome. It causes alot of pain for me. All my family have heart problems. If it gets really bad you can have a operation done. Mine is not that bad. I take Magnesium tablets everyday for the pain. I was also told it has nothing to do with the pots. This was also identified before pots was. :P

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