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Have You Heard?? New Icd-10 Has Pots Code!!

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I work for an insurance company and for the past 6 months we have been receiving info on the new ICD-10 code but no one was sure when it became official. It is a very in depth detailed coding that will allow more specific diagnosing. October 1st or there abouts was open date

ICD-10(was 9 on day my doctor told me-because it was not yet official on 9/29) for POTS is 427.89

Just wanted to be sure everyone is aware so you can ask your MD's to look up specifics


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My understanding is that as of October 1st all doctors in the US will be required to use the new codes. I would be curious to know what other conditions have clearer coding as well. I will try to find out


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Spent the past hour looking through ICD codes and Shy-Draggers is in there and so is Erler-Danlos (?spelling?) in there. Along with POTS, so that is so nice!

LOL and a lot of funny diagnosis-Bitten by cow, pecked by turkey, "collision" with whale, dolphin (marine animals) killer whale!

Get this one-pedestrian collision with roller skater; or collision with air balloon with injury (LOL) There are 20 weird ones like that...so funny!

Just wanted to update you


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Do as far as Autonomic disorders-there are 7 codes "specific" with over a dozen different conditions in most of them. So at least we have more detailed diagnosis' we can have used for our conditions and since insurance now identifies them, I am hoping my LOA/Disability Dept recognizes them too-here's hoping


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How interesting. I was just at Mayo a few weeks ago and have already started to receive itemized statements of charges and sure enough one of the billing codes they used in addition to others was 427.89. Actually in looking back over my statement from 6 months ago they used that billing code back then as well. It's nice to see POTS instead of unspecified cardiac condition.

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