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Salt Tablets- How Much?


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Hi Navy Blue,

My salt tabs are 452mg sodium chloride each. I am supposed to have between 3,000mg and 4,000mg daily. I take 5 sodium tabs and get the rest of my sodium in my food. I usually have 16 oz of V-8 juice in the morning which contains 980mg of sodium. Also doc told me I can titrate my own usage depending on how much I am urinating during the day. If I am urinating more I am supposed to increase my salt intake. I am doing between 3-5 Liters of fluid daily as well..

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My son has low blood pressure and also takes midodrine. I take his blood pressures after breakfast, mid morning, after lunch, midafternoon. before supper and 8pm. My son always takes 3 thermotabes with a cup of water and his midodrine before he ever gets out of bed in the morning. His doctor wants his blood pressures at 110/70. I have seen him start out with blood pressures of 107/68 and 2 hours later it's 95/54. However, I noticed that my son felt better when his blood pressures were at 115/70. So his doctor and I had a chat because I was constantly giving thermotabs after every blood pressure check. I made the discovery if I gave my son the thermortabs when his blood pressures were 115/70 or below this, his blood pressures would stay up better and I was not having to give him 3 thermotabs after every blood pressure check. I have just made this discovery recently. However, my son has just been able to start exercising in the last few months and exercise helps with blood circulation. My son does salt his food and does drink gatorade. However, he takes thermotabs to help keep his blood pressures up or his blood pressures would stay too low. He has never been able to take in enough salt through his diet to be able to keep his blood pressures up. His blood pressures are more stable right now than ever but his doctor and I feel like the timing of the thermotabs and being able to exercise is the key to keeping blood pressures up. However, my son is not able to walk or stand yet and we don't know what to expect when this happens. So anyone that is able to walk and deals with low blood pressures may be able to help you more. If you have never taken salt tablets, you may want to just start with one to see what happens. Thermotabs are a buffered salt tablet and does not bother my son's stomach. My son could not take plain old salt tablets.

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