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Premenstrual Asthma? Worse Sob Before Period?


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For many months now I've been noticing my shortness of breath symptoms getting so much worse for about a week before my period is due. Then within a day or perhaps two of it starting the breathing gets much better.

My doctor believes me, I'm grateful for that; he must have other patients who complain of the same thing because he nodded and said 'it feels like you're suffocating' and that describes it pretty much perfectly. Every few minutes I have to take a very deep breath and sigh or it feels like I'm slowly suffocating, even at rest.

I've done alot of reading about this online trying to find an explanation - I've seen that there have been studies done on this but that the researchers can't agree on a possible mechanism for it - bronchoconstriction, inflammation, mucus production, or something else. They just give recommendations for more aggressive asthma treatments. But alot of these puffers carry a warning of risk of death by using them!

I do have a Ventolin puffer which I rarely use during the other 3 weeks of the month, but in the week before my period I find myself using it more, which I try to avoid as it does make me jittery. Well this past period I used it the one day and I swear I didn't feel any better with the breathing. I said this to my doctor and he writes me a scrip for Symbicort.

This tells me the mechanism can't just be bronchoconstriction else the puffer would have helped a bit. I understand its gotta be a hormonal thing, an imbalance of some type, but how? Years ago I got him to run a hormone panel on me and he said everything was normal. He said those types of hormone panels usually come back normal and that probably wouldn't show anything which it didn't. I didn't have this Premenstrual Asthma issue I have now.

I have tested positive for certain allergies but they don't give me the typical symptoms like itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, etc. I'm allergic to ragweed, grass (severe) and birch tree. I have a mild cat allergy and do have 2 cats but even my allergist said I shouldn't have to give them up if my asthma is well controlled. Everything just gets worse before my period. If it was just the cats it would be all the time.

I don't feel wheezy to myself when this happens (but I'm not listening with a stethoscope either)

I went and scared myself a couple months ago by reading about "Premenstrual Asthma" and found a case study of a woman who had it so bad she was hospitalized and intubated because of it!!!! :o If mine keeps getting a bit worse is this gonna be me in a couple years?? (I'm 39 so a few years away from menopause yet!)

I asked my doctor is this dangerous and he shook his head no.. but I'm still scared. I dread my period every month, well no, I actually dread the "pre-period" SOB - starting my period makes it go away so I pray for it to start so I can breathe again!

Any one else here who has anything like this? Did your doctor give any recommendations for it?

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Hi there little_blue_jay :)

Yes, Yes, yes! I get the SOB and the tight chest, heavy chest, or pressure ( smothering) . This has been getting worse, and yes, especially a week before my period. Like clockwork. Its bad enough when I am not on my period, I am really uncomfortable with this, even more so a week before my period, ugh!.

I had a lung test done, I have had a few Echos, Ekg, CT scan, and all are normal. So they tell me. I have a little leak in my heart valve, but Doc is like " its mild" nothing to worry about. My lung test, hmm, Doc said breathing test was okay and he graded my breathing to be a "B" What? Why not an A?

But yeah, I do hope you start to feel better because I know how awful this is and really sympathize with you, and everyone dealing with this.

ormally, I lay down, put my feet up, and try to rest or relax. They, if I am able a few times a week, I will walk. My heart rate has ben on the high side lately, and I do not take any meds, ( Too sensitive) but I keep going.

If any one has any suggestions about the chronic shortness of breath, I welcome your thoughts, suggestions and experience. Thank you :)

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