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Beta Blocker And Bp Question, Bp Goes Up On Standing


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Hi All,

I started a very low dose of propranolol (5mg) a week ago for nor/epi surges (afternoons). Things were going OK (I am in the **** of trying to find the right meds) until this morning. My BP/HR have consistently been dropping from laying to standing but better than TTT. Been on fludricortisone for a couple months. This morning and every time I have checked my BP today it increases going from laying to standing, by 20-30 points, then drops after 5-10 minutes to more normal for me. Is this the beta blocker? I am having a terrible day with many symptoms flaring. Will ask Dr tomorrow just value all of your experiences. Thanks.

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Hi. You should definitely talk to the doctor about it. But, beta blockers usually lower bp. Florinef is meant to raise bp, so it could be causing this as your body adjusts. Honestly, it is hard to say as many of us have odd reactions to meds. Your doctor may have more insight.

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Hi p8d,

Did your doctor get your standing catecholamine levels during your tilt?

Like Katie said, Florinef increases your BP. It expands your blood volume by retaining sodium in your kidneys. How are your pressures today? Sorry you aren't feeling well, you cant seem to catch a break lately.

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Hi Sarah,

Strangely, or maybe not (any one know?), I got desperate later yesterday afternoon and took a xanax and it went back to dropping on standing. Today it's back to dropping on standing but I took a temazepam at 3:30 am (thought it was 1:30). My epi/norepi are elevated, severe anxiety late in the afternoon, that's the reason for the propranolol. The lab tech that did the initial catecholamine test did it wrong so I suffered these doom/anxiety feelings for 5 months needlessly. I am constantly pushing my Dr (an ANS specialist) but I think they are fed up with my difficulties. I'm trying my hardest but it's hard to stay positive. I was diagnosed with Lyme by Igenex but can't see that specialist until late September. Its these waits for appointments that drives me nuts. Thanks for reaching out, means a lot.

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Hey p8d, just wanted to say hope you're feeling better, and getting some of the med reactions sorted out :/ Been going around that merry go round too with the lack of answers and weird reactions, so I know how exhausting and disheartening it gets, especially when you keep having to wait for the next step. Hope things are gradually getting sorted out though, and that some relief is on its way to you very soon!

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