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How Long To Recover After Ttt ?


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I am just wondering how long it took you to recover after TTT? I had mine 21st July and two days later I had a big decline in myself, I still cant return to work I spending half a day in bed. I am back on florinef which was helping before the test and doing all the usual recommended things but I am not seeing any improvement. Hoping someone can tell me this is normal reaction and there is light at the end of the tunnel :)

Many thanks

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Hi Dancer,

It took me about 2 weeks before I felt back to my normal feeling if I remember correctly. Back then was a difficult time though as I wasn't really able to get out of bed, IV fluids were most helpful for me as well as compression stockings. I know I feel really symptomatic after pushing myself through certain activities and long days, so it would make sense that a tilt table test could do that to the extreme.

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, I know you've got a physically demanding job also. I hope that with each new day you start to feel better!


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I understand this feeling! You want answers and the information that testing may bring...but when it makes you feel worse you think , "Why did I put my body through that?". I think it took me a couple of weeks after the tilt to start feeling the way I was.

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After my first tilt test it took me about 10 days to recover, and I was feeling awful for those 10 days. During that test I did pass out and have a 16 second pause in my heart beat. The second tilt test was much better, but they caught my blood pressure dropping and aborted the test before I went out, that time took about a day and a half to recover.

Sorry you're not feeling good. Hope you recover soon!

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Thanks you for your replies and well wishes it really does help!

Yes Sarah I had blood tests for E&U last monday also blood count as I am bruising very easily on the florinef. I see my GP next week but wont be seeing the consultant again who did my test.

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about 2 weeks for me.

but btw, you should try to stay out of bed as much as you can...it doesn't help, only makes things worse. keep moving as much as you can, even if you don't feel well enough to return to work. get out of the house...do chores...see friends...stay on your normal routine as much as you can. going out in the daylight helps with sleep quality at night. worst thing in the world for POTS, from my experience, is staying in bed...your muscles decay fast, and then it's hard to recondition.

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tampafd, watch out for those anti-nausea meds...Phenergan causes high heart rate, and Zofran causes constipation and can cause seizures if you're predisposed. sometimes ginger can help...the fresh root, smelling it or mixing it finely chopped into something you eat or boiling it into a tea (but be careful there also because too much ginger causes polyuria).

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