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ER visit

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:rolleyes: I'm not sure if any of you remember my bad experience in the ER about 5 or 6 weeks ago. I had a bad reaction to boniva, broke out all over, then they gave meds and I had a seizure and probably a TIA. Well I had called the head of ER and she was going to get right back to me. So I waited and waited. and waited. I went and picked up my records. I couldn't believe it, almost no mention of anything that happened.

Well, I finally sent her a letter and said I wanted 3 things. Reprimands for all personnel involved as there was false documentation, and doctoring of the chart, no bill, either to my insurance or me, and wriiten verification that these requests had been addressed. I mailed it to her. And waited and waited and waited. I finally called and she said she had gotten reports from all the personnel involved and they all reported their care was superb. snort!!!! Then she called me missy and said I was just upset because they "weren't nice to me" I said not nice to me, they almost killed me. I told her the reason I was calling is because I had sent a formal complaint to the state. If they weren't willing to take care of this themselves I would let the state do it. That's when she said, do whatever you want missy... I stayed calm, I learned that from Corina! (Thanks)

Well a couple days ago I got a call from Risk management, she said Human resources and administration plus risk management was involved in an investigation of the care I received. I said I had received a bill and they had billed my insurance. I said they may have gotten my insurance to pay, but they would never see a dime out of my pocket. She said she would take care of that. But she said there was an intensive investigation going on at this time, and that most of my requests had been met although she could not say what was put in the personnel files. I didn't want to know the details, I just wanted them in there. I told her I was not a drug seeker, I do not frequent ER's, my doctor was very unhappy I wasn't going there anymore as he is head of intensive care, and that I had told them them I had a rare not well understood disorder that causes me a great deal of problems with drug reactions etc. They should have listened and believed me. Even if I had been a drug seeking psycho, I deserved better care. I was as calm as can be, but blunt. She said I would be hearing from them shortly and she was so very sorry about what had happened.

That very day I got a letter from the state. They said that although it did appear my treatment was very poor, they had not broken any laws. (I guess you have to die or something) But they did not cc this letter to the hospital, so I think as far as they know they should still be scrambling for damage control.

I don't know if this interests anyone, but I would like to think that maybe someone else down the road will be treated a little better than I was and they will take a better look at what is going on there. They definitely need the business and people don't come back when they are treated like that. So if anyone is interested, I will let you know the results. I don't think this is off topic as we have all had these massively crappy experiences in ER's and maybe the squeaky wheel can get the grease sometimes. morgan

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dear morgan, the state of most ers and hospitals is disgusting. and i almost weep at hearing of anyone having a bad experence there. i am almost ashamed to say that i was a health care provider, even if it was in a nursing home.

i am currently switching hospitals and docs, and have already gotten better care. the old er treated me like a nut case so i just didn't go till it was almost too late. my new doc (internal med) has ordered iv fluids, vestiril(sp), O2 and three choises of pain med per my request if needed. she has been a blessing. thou i haven't needed them, i know they are there and i even have her home phone, so if something happens, i can call her before i go in and have anything else i need there ready for me.

i can olny wish that more of us can get the care we so deserve.


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I'm so very proud of you that you staid calm!!!! You really did a good job on this. If we want to be treated with respect we have to respect others as well (I KNOW how difficult this can be!!!). Next time a nurse is calling you missy, you tell her you don't want her to call you missy, but mrs! Tell her you want to be respected, as you respect others. And stay calm, I know you can do that :rolleyes: .

Hearing of all these bad ER experiences makes me feel stronger, we're not alone!

Best and warm wishes Morgan,


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I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. I'm sorry you are going through such a rough time. I do think you handled the ER situation very well and I hope you get some positive outcome from it. Please keep us posted on what happens.

Try to do something extra special for yourself to help get you through this tough time!

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Hey Morgan. I have been wondering how things were going for you... thanks for posting. Like everyone, I feel completely outraged at the care and treatment you received. I am so sorry. I really question the statement that no laws were broken, although I don't know how things work in the USA. False documentation is a terribly serious thing and ommitted documentation of serious events should have big consequences as well. Also, there should be a hospital protocol on how often they check vital signs, (especially important when a med is being pushed), which doesn't sound like it was followed appropriately. I also would wonder if the med was pushed too quickly, possibly contributing to your reaction? Whatever the case, it looks like it is being taken seriously by Risk Management and there are sure to be reprimands of some sort. I am so glad that you put in a complaint to the state, I imagine that you have prevented more mistakes on other people as everyone involved will be very closely watched. This must have taken alot of effort on your part, thanks. It will benefit someone out there greatly. Keep us posted if you can! Laura

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Guest Julia59


I'm so sorry you didn't get a better outcome to your situation.

All that abuse your went though---it's mind boggling that these so called medical professionals were not fired. It's bad enough that you feel so poorly when you go there, then to have them treat you like that---I have seen DOGS GET BETTER CARE.

I'm going through a bit right now with that neurologist I saw who thinks I need psychiatric care---as everything that is wrong with me is somehow manifested in my mind. I'm so sick right now with an infection---I hate the thought of haveing a bad reaction to the antibiotics I have no choice to take. I also wrote a letter, but I am not expecting a response. I am to weak to fight right now, but when I get over this infection-----i'll be back in action. I want to see this neurologist answer for his abuse.

Morgan, hang in there---you will get the good care you deserve----- :angry:

I know it's discouraging because I see this stuff happens all the time to other people also---including myself. My PCP's office talks to me like i'm wacked.

It's a shame we have to fear getting emergency care--------------- :rolleyes:

You will be in my thoughts Morgan-------------- B)

Julie :0)

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Guest Mary from OH


It sounds like you handled yourself well despite their.... ignorance!! :angry: I do have one idea though..... PRESS!!! Do you have a TV station in your area that does "expose's" on bad business practices etc.? They just might like to hear your story!! Especially with your letter from the state, basically backing you up saying that your treatment was poor, but "not breaking the law". Give me a break. Like you said, what do they need to do, kill you?? I really think some TV exposure just might get them to change their ways a little more!! :o And, of course, be a sweet, pleasant person, not bitter. :D Just concerned. :huh: And be very knowledgeable about your disease! And .... mention DINET!!! (lol!!) :)

Take care of yourself!!! ;)

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Hi Morgan,

Congradulation for standing up for yourself and for the rest of us! I think that in the long run we will get better treatment but it is with people like you that things will change. Keep the good work.


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