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Exercise Is Becoming Impossible!

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Hi everyone.

I was diagnosed with dysautonomia 3 months ago. I had a couple of arrhythmias every month for 7 years and now they have exacerbated. I´m a ballet teacher, so I have to exercise, run and jump all the time.

Giving lessons has become impossible because every time I jump my heart starts pumping really fast, get super dizzy and my chest, legs and arms start hurting and if I try to talk, my chest hurts even more. It may last for 20 minutes. And I don´t like my pupils to notice.

I´m really sad because I am now on my third med (norpace) and it isn´t working.

Today I had blood tests done.

I don´t know what to expect anymore.

Does anyone get arrhythmias wile exercising?

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Hi simonlomelie--welcome to the forum. Have you had any testing done to determine what the arrhythmias are? I get PACs and PVCs and they can get worse with jumping or other movement that is sudden or a sudden position change. They are benign however. But when I have a lot of them they can be nonetheless distressing. For me, this problem comes and goes and sometimes there is nothing I can do to make it better. Sometimes being really well hydrated and also eating potassium rich foods can help a bit. Also avoiding any caffeine.

I took an SSRI for awhile which helped. I still take a low dose of pindolol (beta blocker).

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I am a ballet teacher too so I totally empathise with you. I have learnt to teach in a very different way so I no longer jump around, If I have to demonstrate a new step to the kids I use the barre for support and only do a couple, at least this stops the heart palpations getting out of control. I am very fortunate that some of my higher grade pupils help with my beginners classes. I find one of the most tiring things is talking over the kids chatter and music!

I have low BP and high HR Florinef has helped me to be more active in the last couple of months. I drink tons of water and make my own electrolyte drinks which I sip through out classes. I always rest for at least an hour before teaching and warm up really well, I find this does help a bit, but I always feel like I have flu the next day.

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Thank you dancer65. I was on florinef at first, but I got so bloated that some days I couldn´t even open my eyes. It is a great idea to ask high grade dancers for help. I also drink lots of electrolyte through the day. I think I´ll have to stop doing brisés, échappes, entrechats, sautés and all that requires initial and extra stress for the heart. :)

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