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Chest Pain

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When you all get chest pain, how long does it usually last? I have had chest pain that last for a few seconds here and there and then disappears. Yesterday, I kept having this rhythmic chest pain that would come about every 20 seconds and it lasted for hours. Tylenol helped relieve it so I don't think it was cardiac but I am not positive. I had blood tests and an echo which all seem to come back negative. It was different from my usual chest pain in that it was higher which made me not think cardiac either but you never know. I was just wondering what other people's experience of chest pain was like?

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I can have episodes that last just a few seconds but others that last for hours. But if it is a different pattern for you, please talk to your doc about it since no one has yet to explain to me how to tell the difference between POTS chest pain and chest pain that may indicate something more serious.

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Thanks Katybug, the doctors here are not specialized in dysautonomia so they don't really know. I have been told mitral valve can cause pain but mine is mild and it just seemed like a different pain. So far all my blood tests were negative so that is good. It is just difficult because I don't think many doctors understand dysautonomia chest pain or what to do about it.

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I've had chest pain that comes quickly and goes away, but more typically with me I will have chest tightness that can last hours to days. I'm on a calcium channel blocker which in my case has helped a lot, sometimes I will take an extra dose if my chest pain/ pressure gets bad. I notice the chest discomfort can sometimes become more regular once it gets started.

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Hi Jackie,

I have episodes similar to what Statesof describes.. My chest feels very heavy at times, like there is a lot of pressure and is tight. I've had any cardiac issues ruled out by cardiologist's, and when I've felt the tightening of my chest I've been fortunate that Ive had a holter monitor on at the time so I pushed the event button, but nothing was ever found to be linked.

here are 2 past threads that are really interesting on this topic,.. wishing you the best! Sarah



Just throwing this out there, but, Statesof.. The only thing that really has shown up in cardiac testing while I was having these events was during my Bubble Echo where they found a PFO, I remembered reading at one point that you had one also I think? Do you think there is any correlation to that?

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thanks for the responses and links. My blood tests, echo, and ekg were all normal which is good. It had been awhile since I had chest pains and they were not like usual this time so it was unnerving. It also did not help that I have left arm pain. Dysautonomia can be so difficult. Also, the stomach issues can add to further confusion. I just hope I start feeling better and can move past this so it doesnt cause anxiety. I do not take beta blockers so I always worry that my heart is working too hard but I feel like crap on them.

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How long does it usually last? Mostly, it lasts a few hours but it is very low pain. From a scale of 0 to 10, it would be 0.5. Then the pain comes back the next day.
I have had episodes where it was extreme (9.5), lasted for an entire day and kept coming back and lasted for a week and more.

I think the stronger pain version tend to last longer overall.

Like you, my blood tests are fine, chest X-ray doesn't show damage, echocardiogram is ok.
I have taken ibuprofen and aspirin. Perhaps they reduce the pain but I am not sure.
I take bisoprolol 1.5 mg per day which helps for the tachycardia and heart pounding, but doesn't help for chest pain, dizziness, brain fog, chest vibrations, weird chest feelings and a bunch of other symptoms.

"I do not take beta blockers so I always worry that my heart is working too hard but I feel like crap on them. "
==What do you feel? Is it because it lowers your blood pressure?

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Bigtrouble, in the past when I have had chest pain, it would only last a few seconds here and there then go away. This last episode it lasted a whole day and then I have had left arm pain for the past 3 days. I do not tolerate beta blockers because they make me very tired and drop my blood pressure too low. I will end up sleeping all day and still feel tachycardic. I am very sensitive to medications. I tried 4 different betablockers and I am allergic to 2 of them so that did not give me options either. This was all 5 years ago though when my dysautonomia started and I was at my worse. I just deal with the tachycardia now which does not seem to be severe unless I am having symptomatic bouts. This past year has been tough though riddled with stomach issues and allergies. My neuro-endocrinologist does not seem to mind that I don't take beta blockers but I know that I might need them in the future. I did find out through the blood tests that I am anemic which could be adding to the issue.

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Update- I think all the pain I have been experiencing lately are from esophageal spasms. I am going to have to investigate more with another GI doc but it seems like the culprit. I just thought I'd post this in case anyone was going through something similar and wondering about a possible cause.

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Some triptans for migraine treatment cause esophageal spasms and it can be quite painful and feel like diffuse chest pain (as opposed to being localized to where you would think it would be.) I hope that's the answer, Jackie! They probably have something to treat that!

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