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The Great Caffeine Question.

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I can never work caffeine out. Without it im a fatiguey wreck and while my pots meds cut the dizziness they never seem to cut the endless fatigue.

so i basically rely on caffeine to function but i become immune to its effects very quickly and have to increase until evrntually it starts making me crash.


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Hey rama,

Caffeine is a conundrum for me too. I need a little some days to shake the fatigue and hypersomnia. I also need some when a migraine gets bad. But, just a little too much sends me into a presyncopal attack. On the other hand, when I'm laying awake at 3 a.m. and can feel the adrenaline popping off, about 4-6 oz. of 1/2 caffeine actually calms my system and I fall asleep! Some weird feedback loop?? Who knows. It's all a delicate balancing act.

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Yes. She gets a good boost from the Welbutrin, and it even raises her blood pressure. I have heard of others call it stimulating. Raised BP is a possible side effect. I never looked into it for this reason. I have trended towards sympathetic over activity. Caffeine, as much as I loved coffee, is no longer my friend.

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I need it for the clarity boost it gives me.. I don't notice any incline in my BP, however I have to time it well because if I change from laying down/sitting to standing I'll notice an even bigger jump in my HR after only one cup of coffee. However, HR/BP not all that affected by caffeine--maybe b/c I;m careful not to consume much.

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I was cutting back on caffeine for months...getting more and more exhausted because I was told to. Recently I began to consume more just to be able to keep my eyes open, and it really seems to have a positive effect (not too much because then my HR goes up a lot). Caffeine has this very positive effect on my eyes, seeing more clearly, my eyelids not being as heavy.

Thanks Rama for bringing this up.

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I love caffeine but usually consume in the form of diet pop. This may explain why it helps us: Caffeine (although an adenosine receptor antagonist) is able to counteract the anticholinergic symptoms by reducing sedation and increasing acetylcholine activity, thereby causing alertness and arousal.

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I also rely on caffeine along with the midodrine to keep myself going. It doesn't cause me the adverse effects that I have seen many others mention. The only thing I have to be aware of is to get enough protein/grazing snacks along with it.

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