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Please Can You Help Me With The Following Information/questions


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Hi All,

This ia Tania and I have been diagnosed with Dysautonomia with POTS for the last couple of years and I have been to many different doctors within Seattle, WA (this is where we live) and in Georgetown, Washington DC but no matter how many different doctors I am seeing and working out for 2 hours everyday I am still having some issues with GI (gastroentology), allergies & dysautonomia.

I have 2 neurologists and one of them giving me some hope that with being so active all the time I may get better but no matter what I do I am just feeling worse day by day. I have posetd my some questions before and you were all so wonderful to reply me back.

Can you someone please send me the following information below:

1.Does anyone know any great GI doctor in any state? Really helped you out cause no matter what small amount I eat and ( I can only eat 5 or 6 different items) I feel most awful and have done numerous endoscopy and colognoscopy but no good outcome of it.

2.Any great doctor related to allergies?

3.Any great doctor related to Dysautonomia?

My husband has great insurance and can go any state.

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Hi Tania,

Here is the link to the physicians list on our main website. All of the doctors on the list have treated some part of dysautonomia. Each doctor has their speciality listed. You can search by state to see who is closest to you. If you need help using the list to find a doctor, just let me know.


Also, I will send you a private message here on the forum with some doctors that might be able to help you with the severe allergy issues. They aren't in our list yet.

Take care,


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Hi Tania78, have you thought of maybe trying to get into places like Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, or Jons Hopkins? What I personally liked about Mayo is that over the course of a week you can get done what would take 3-6 months going to other places, though their autonomic speciallist can take a while to get into. I've known a few friends/ family who have gone to their gasto doctors after having all the usual tests done and they have been able to help get them a diagnosis.

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