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Nothing To Worry About For Heat Intolerance?

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Hi there,

Today it was really hot where I live (it reached 80 degrees F when it's usually 55 or so) and I went for a 30 minute walk in the sun. Felt dizzy but not too bad walking but then when I got back inside and sat down, felt awful. I had this sickening nausea and my head felt like it'd been broiled. I know this is my heat intolerance because a couple years ago I went to the ER for an IV for a similar (but much worse) episode. I've had this sickening feeling on and off all day since my walk. It's very disconcerting. I know it's not the adrenaline, bc I'm familiar with what that feels like.

I was just wondering, are these episodes "just POTS" or are they dangerous, like pre- heat exhaustion, heat stroke? Does having POTS make you more likely to develop heat exhaustion sooner? I don't sweat anymore. I shake during them, and feel feverish. Cold showers and fluids help a bit. Would taking Florinef help? I drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. When do I know it's time to get an IV? I always used to think that was only if I was about to pass out, but this is gross. I hope the whole summer isn't like this (I don't have AC at home).


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If you don't believe you are sweating, you should see a doctor to confirm this. There are ways to test it. Hypohydrosis, not sweating, is dangerous because your body loses its ability to cool your core temperature which can affect organ function including your brain. If you are truly not sweating, this is not just heat intolerance. Hypohydrosis can be a problem for a person with dysautonomia. There are treatments for it but it needs to be carefully managed. Please see a doctor if you believe you have lost your ability to sweat.

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Hi Claired,

It does sound like you could be develping heat exhaustion and should probably see a doctor. Also, can you consider getting a window air conditioner to use in one room? I find that if I stay cool most of the day, with shorter periods in the heat, I feel much better than when I have long periods in the heat. I also need to stay cool at night or I am a mess. I would have to live someplace very cold to not need A/C!

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When you go out in the heat, your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops, which is very triggering for those of us with POTS which means we're much more susceptible to heat exhaustion. Personally i can't tolerate any heat and my cardiologist told me if it's over 85 degrees, don't even go outside. I'm pretty sure living in a very hot place for a summer (DC) is what made my POTS flare up so much that I went from working to incapable of working :( I don't want to worry you I just want you to give you a heads up that's it's possible.

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Thanks for the replies. I found it weird because last summer I went out for many walks in 80 degrees on my own, without a problem. Maybe my body just needs to make the adjustment from spring to summer.

My mom and I often escape to the library on 90+ days....because that's just gross without AC lol! Or I take a couple cool showers a day, and then sit in front of a fan. We live in an old house, and the windows don't hold an AC (we have one, but it doesn't fit well). We also don't really have doors in our doorways, so the poor little box would be trying to cool an entire floor...not practical. Our car has AC though. Sometimes we drive around :)

I'm trying not to think about summer too much, bc I know if I do, I'll completely freak. I was terrified for last summer bc the summer before (my first with POTS) was nightmarish, but last summer was pretty good. But I haven't been exercising much at all this year, so I need to retrain my ANS before the hot weather comes. It's always a race ;)

But I know if things get really bad, there's always the ER (fun fun).

Where do you guys go to stay cool, those of you without AC?

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Hi Claired,

There are new room air conditioners now that have the main part on wheels and that sits on the floor. The part that has to go in the window is relatively small and very light weight. My mom's house is older and doesn't have central AC. When their old window unit upstairs died, I suggested they get one of the new floor models since they have bad backs and taking the window units in and out for seasonal changes was hard for them. It works quite well. I think they got their's at Home Depot but I've seen them at all the big box stores, QVC, Amazon, Evine. There are a lot of places if it is of interest to you.

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