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Sensitive Ladies Post Regarding Varicose Veins/pelvic Congestion


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Yes. I thought I had a cyst on my lady parts and went to my gyn. She said it is a vericose vein and that she's only ever seen them in pregnant women. But she thought it might be from my EDS.

Since then I have been having a work up with a hematologist for hypercoagulability syndromes due to my uncontrolled and now daily migraines. It is turning out that I do have the PAI 4G/5G Homozygous gene mutation which makes me a clotting risk. There are other abnormalities in my blood work that we are now retesting for the 3rd time because things are not making sense. In researching, I have found that a "rash" I've been getting on my hips, breasts, thighs, and lower abdomen is not a rash or stretch marks as doctors have been telling me but actually vascular skin lesions called levido reticularis and levido racemosa. I kept telling them I thought they were vascular but only one doc bought that because in fairness they do look similar to stretch marks. But they don't behave like stretch marks. They change color based on orthostatics, they come and go, they get worse when I am in an inflammatory flare. They aren't at all painful or itchy, just ugly and turn from almost flesh colored to a brilliant shade of magenta to dark purple.

I tell you all this because I now believe the varicose vein in my labia is actually related to this.

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