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Ongoing Battle With Pots

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Greetings! I have had pots for about 17 years. It has been managable at times but the last year has been horrible. I aquired another autoimmune disease and taking low dose prednisone which I HATE. I am having problems standing in lines going to the stores. I also now have horrible sensitivity to lights in the stores and have to leave immediately. Anyone realate to any of this?



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I have light sensitivity due to my chronic migraines. Is it possible to wear your sunglasses in the stores? I sometimes have to wear my sunglasses indoors to cut the harsh glare. I go through phases when I find standing in line very difficult. I don't have a great answer for that. I have scoped out the least busy times at my grocery store and pharmacy and try to go at those times but it's not always possible.

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I have also had a lot of problems with lines. I start shaking and feel faintish but never faint. I keep looking at the walkers with the seats but haven't pulled the trigger on that.

Bright lights also bother me and I also have migraines like Katybug. Sporting some RayBans sounds like a great idea. And we will look so awesome!

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Hello Dotty,

I can certainly relate to both difficulty standing in lines and light sensitivity. Like Katie I try to shop during the less busy hours. I shift around a lot probably looking as if I need to use the restroom all the time but it seems to help. When I could tolerate them compression hose helped a lot. For light sensitivity I wear sunglasses sometimes indoors depending upon how bad of a day I am having and always outdoors. When I walk outside I wear a hat with a visor. Yes. These issues are definitely very frustrating.


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Florecnt lighting can be a huge migraine trigger for many migraine suffer's. At the support groups I facilitate, we use the board room that has adjustable lighting and request that members who have light sensitivity should bring sunglasses or protective eyewear.


All of these work really well for me, they are pricey but worth it if you take good care of them and they can prevent a migraine from coming.

I actually had to leave a job a long time ago because of the lighting. It's a really bad trigger that hopefully they'll come out with some research and help for us!

Good luck to you with everything, Sarah

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