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Starting Back On Ssri


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Three years ago I start taking Lexapro, and then switched to Zoloft due to gaining 35 lbs. About six months ago I decided to stop taking Zoloft on my own, which was terrible. I did end up losing 15 lbs. I have been having a relapse of my symptoms, so I decided to go back on with my doctor's approval. It has been a couple of weeks, and I feel terrible. Weakness in my arms and legs, all I want to do is sleep, I have headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, worsening brain fog and memory issues, etc. I was driving, but can only drive short distances now. These are all symptoms I have had before, but things had improved over the past couple of years, so that I could at least function. Has anyone else experienced these issues with Zoloft, or when going back on to an SSRI after going off?

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I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I tried coming off my SSRI (paxil) several times but I just can't go without it dys-wise. I think it may take several weeks for it to work (again). You may want to check with your doctor. Hope things will calm down really soon!

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I have had a variety of responses to Drs. trying to treat me for anxiety/depression. I don't do well with Psy meds that hit certain receptors that kick off a norepinephrine response easily. SSRI's are complicated. Some hit more serotonin, some norepinephrine....These are bad for me. I can handle those that work with GABA (the "parent" chemicals") but nothing else. I cannot even take epinephrine in the numbing stuff at the dentist! My heart races off the charts!

Like you, I took a trial on 2 medications in this category and gained weight...I also did not sleep. It was bad.

more than a few years ago I tried Wellbutrine (sp?) and did really well for 6 months....got off it and tried it again later and was a total mess! I really wished it would work again! I have found that the newer medications do more harm than good FOR ME.

Have you read the book "The Prozac Nation"... the history of pharmacology for psychological issues is really humble in its beginnings. It was basically treating people with antihistamines and valium ( a plant derivative). If that did not work they tried damaging things like bad drugs and lobotomies....So with that history, and my poor response to things, I take antihistamines and valerian root. It seems to work for me much better than bouncing off the walls and gaining 20 lbs. This is just me. I would not say that all days are good days. (so don't take this as advise) I tend to move towards a holistic approach first, then to a medical approach. All I know is that I cannot function on psy meds at all. I get terrible hives, rashes, gut problems......so this goes back to what is the cause of your issue?

Do you have mast cell involvement? Do you have other nerve issues? Do you have a brain injury or spinal injury?

This is what I have learned so far...I don't know that it is super scientific. People with immune issues might have more problems with this because of mast cell involvement. People with genetic disorders will not process enzymes essential for cellular function....starting with the energy source..... The gut is the "second brain"....What impacts my gut immediately, will impact my brain function in just a few days or hours.

What I have learned from trial and error, lots falling over and whacking my head, swelling (non pitting), covered in hives and red patches, terrible fatigue, heart racing, loosing what I ate day after day out the other end, becoming thin as a rail, not seeing straight, brain fog and a host of neurological and other digestive issues.......is that you have to find out your cause before you medicate. I have lost jobs due to "trying" medication. What kind of risk are you taking in experimentation?

Where I is the communication break down for you? Injury, Immune, genetic..? A combo? What tests do you have (or outright obvious symptoms that make you fall over or break out in unrelenting hives...or other things your neighbors don't have but your close family members do to some degree) lend to your understanding of your condition?

Im not trying to dissuade you from medication at all. My purpose here is to learn and to think smartly. I have been searching for years (15) and am still waiting on test results! If drs were not so myopic this would not be the norm!

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I was on a low dose SSRI for awhile after I was diagnosed with POTS. Low dose SSRI is a common treatment for POTS but does not work for everyone (as seems to be the case with any POTS treatment!). I know I have read studies that indicate generally 50% of POTS patients improve with an SSRI. It seems to help regulate the autonomic nervous system for some people--and it did seem to help me. However, I had a very difficult adjustment period of several weeks. I believe an early side effect of SSRIs is autonomic dysfunction! However, this side effect (according to my doctor at the time) subsides for most people after several weeks. I hope you start to feel better soon and that it will help you to feel better, it's unfortunate that it takes time for the body to adjust to an SSRI and it is not immediately helpful, if helpful at all. Hopefully it will help you, if it did before it will likely be helpful again. Yes, the unfortunate longer term side effect is weight gain for some people. I didn't really have this problem but I know it is pretty common.

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Corina - thank you!

Sunshinegirl - I was diagnosed with Dysautonomia. POTS has not been mentioned. I have been trying clean eating, exercise, lots of water, no caffeine, and vitamins, but the medication has helped while we try to figure out the route cause. I am working with a Neurologist who is trying to figure it out. I have lost the ability to feel temperature changes on the tops of my feet, legs, backs of my hands, and arms, so she thinks there is something autoimmune going on. I also have hypersomnia, so the doctors are trying some experimental treatments for it. I am seeing a Rheumatologist next week to test for Sjogren's syndrome. I am also going to ask about mast cell. I have noticed that since my season allergies have ramped up, I have had a relapse of symptoms. I just started Wellbutrin in addition to the Zoloft, both at very low doses, to see if the combination will help. Thanks!

MomtoGiuliana - I am not very patient, especially when my symptoms interfere with me driving. My husband has been driving me to work, and I have been limiting my driving to a few miles at a time. Fortunately, I can work from home some too. I am looking forward to the burning brain, flu feeling, and weakness in my legs and arms going away. The Wellbutrin made me a little less foggy today. So, hopefully it will get better soon. Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

lmfree02, glad to hear that the wellbutrin started making baby steps in the right direction for you. Wanted to check in you on you to see if you were still continuing to see improvements.

Medications are complicated things and since none of us respond the same the each, we typically have to listen to our own intuition and try them just because there is that chance that they could really help us. There is also the other side of that that, and the med's could go the other way and set our system's back. However, we just really don't know unless we take the risk and try. So, wherever you are at this point with the med, on it or off of it, kudos to you for getting your feet wet!


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