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Subway, Msg, Celiac And Pots


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Always thought i was "eating fresh" avoiding mcdonalds and such.

Turns out subway food has all manner of junk in it.

I have gluten, msg, aspartame, dairy, etc extreme sensitivity and they cause me to flare.


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Hi Spinner,

I hear where you’re coming from. I recently had a reaction to MSG and lost 4 days of productivity because of it. It has been about 7 years since a reaction of this magnitude, so I looked more deeply into it. I learned that MSG occurs in many things, including gelatin, which I ate when I had my latest reaction and it occurs in many other foods as well (as free L-glutamic acid) as a by-product of the manufacturing process. I learned a lot about MSG and its many guises here:


I developed broader food sensitivities a couple of years ago and navigating the fridge on my own was not intuitive at all. Fortunately, I began working with a dietitian right after this and he developed a diet that I've stuck to to this day that helps me to avoid reactive foods and minimize histamine which seems to be the foundation of my reactions to foods. I recommend to all of my friends and family - with POTS or without - to seek a qualified dietitian to define a diet specifically for your needs. In many cases, a dietitian is covered by insurance and you would start with your primary care doctor to refer you to a qualified one (a registered dietitian). My friends who have gone down this path have gotten excellent results, so I can’t recommend this strongly enough. Between label-reading and working with a dietitian, we have been able to avoid most reactions. I also will not be eating gelatin any time soon! I hope you find relief!

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