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Exercise Intolerance Symptoms


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Just interested to find out what sort of symptoms others experience after exercise as sometmes and how often it hits you. I don't know whether this can all be attributed to POTS or whether there is a chronic fatigue syndrome cross-over.

The day after I have been on the recumbent bike even for 15 mins or so I have noticed I feel much worse in terms of fatigue (even after a good nights sleep), muscle aches and pain and the big one for me is a sense of anxiety which is unnerving the next day. I've also noticed this is attributed to random spells of lightheadness or an 'off feeling,' blurry vision (difficult to describe) that can just make me feel horrible. I used to feel very bad instantly after exercise but now it seems to be delayed somewhat until the next day when it really hits me.

Would love to see what other peoples experiences are and what symptoms they get, including if you have any similar to me. Also how long after the activity do you start to feel the effects?

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When I first started working out I would get lightheaded, weak,, hot, my hands would get red and hot and a little puffy, and I would get anxiety as well. I would feel like that the rest of the day! Now I make sure I do light exercises. A good exercise is walk a mile with leslie sansone. you can look it up on youtube. and take frequent breaks if needed.

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I get a really weird wired feeling. It starts either toward the end of exerting myself or within an hour or two. It's really sudden, like a flip switches inside me and my body goes into fight or flight mode. I become super alert, I can stay awake all night when it happens. I think it might be sympathetic overactivity? It doesn't just happen with exercise, it happens with pretty much anything that overstimulates me. Could just be a particularly lively conversation. Being upright too long seems to do it too.

It wears off in about 12-18 hours - I'll start feeling really out of it, then need to sleep. If it's mild I can just sleep it off. If I do this a few days in a row, or really overexert myself, I end up exhausted and in pain and/or flu-like, and it takes a few days in bed to recover.

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Have you been evaluated for adrenal insufficiency? Secondary AI can be like this-you are normally ok but a bad stressor or physical exertion will tax someone w Secondary AI because body dies not respond w additional cortisol to compensate. When I am experiencing problems immediately after working out-trembling and light headed, I attribute that more to dysautonomia. My pulse drops (no longer exercising) but my Bp does not respond. I've learned that haying down for a bit (to allow for catchup) and drinking electrolyte fluids helps.

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For me, during exercise I become very lightheaded right when a get off of a bike/treadmill or finish a set of weightlifting. Just like everyone else, the next few days/weeks are the worst. Within 24 hours I get a horrible headache that does not go away for a week or two along with brain fog, extreme HR variability, anxiety/flight or flight, and ringing in the ears. Takes about 2 weeks following exercise to get back to my baseline level of symptoms.

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