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Can't See Straight The Past Couple Days.

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For some reason the past couple days I have not been able to see right. Not blurry vision but its like my eyes can't focus right on things. I have been lightheaded as well. I play games and stuff on the computer but I feel like my eyes are all over the place. its hard to explain. I hope I make sense. It is frustrating and I hope this is temporary!

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It should be tempory but if it get's worse I would suggest you see your eye doctor. Tyler has this from time to time. The first time it happened, I took him to our eye doctor and he checked the pressures on his eyes. The pressures were a little elevated but not enough to be a concern. However, our doctor had us come back in a week later to be rechecked. Everything was normal. Our doctor thought it was caused by doing his school work on the computer. So when this happens, Tyler takes a break from the computer.

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Yea I haven't felt right since I woke up. I woke up feeling foggy and when I went down stairs like I do everymorning when I wake up my heart was pounding in my chest. It was strange. Then since 3ish I feel pressure around my eyes and head. Its frustrating. Maybe I am spending too much time on the computer.

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I cant see straight either, but I'm just loopy enough with a headache and current crash, my attention span is nil. We have a jigsaw puzzle we've all been working on, and yesterday I sat down at it, gave it about 5 minutes, and went "yeah, I can't focus on this mess", went back to bed. Last night was better, but today, I'm back to the same ol' "squirrel!" moments. ADD at it's finest right now, lol.

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