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What Is Air Hunger?


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I think I may have this as a new(ish) symptom but I'm not sure. Wikipedia says air hunger, shortness of breath and breathlessness are all the same, and they a subjective experience of breathing discomfort that consists of qualitatively distinct sensations that vary in intensity. That isn't very specific!

The last few days I've had episodes where it feels like I am breathing through cheesecloth or I'm in a stuffy room with no ventilation. I'm not short of breath or gasping for breath, my respiration rate is usually normal, or just slightly elevated, I can talk without getting winded, etc. It just feels a normal breath isn't enough air and I have to breathe a little deeper.

I have asthma and it doesn't feel like that but I checked my peak flow meter just in case and it's normal. My vitals are great BP110/70 and pulse 75.

This usually lasts a few hours whether I am upright or recumbent, and I get through it by doing relaxation exercises (because honestly it makes me nervous, which doesn't help things) and deep belly breathing.

I am seeing a great cardiologist for chest pressure (thanks to a referral from a kind forum member!) I've had a normal EKG and am getting an echo this week to make sure all is OK with my heart, just in case.

Is this a POTS thing?

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My air hunger feels like I can breathe just fine, sometimes I'm even panting like I've been exercising, but it just doesn't feel like I'm getting enough oxygen. I also feel like I have to take deeper breaths. The vessels in my neck always feel constricted during these times and my chest feels heavy although I do not test positive for asthma and I can fully inflate and deflate my lungs. Mine generally happens when I'm going up steps, walking up even a slight incline, or if I talk for too long at one time. I don't actually get out oof breath on the recumbent bike or doing the core strengthening exercises my PT has me doing on my back (slightly elevated). This leads me to believe that my issue is truly based on my blood pooling issues which are significant (even had lower extremity dopler to prove severe venous insufficiency. )

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When I'm having this symptom I feel like I'm always having to take extra, deep breaths after even minimal amounts of exertion. Find myself doing a lot of deep sighing type breaths. When I try to talk I get lightheaded just saying a few words and again have to take deep breaths to catch up. I can feel that my lungs will fully inflate though so it's not a restriction in the lungs themselves.

It's one of my least favorite symptoms.

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Air hunger is often called anxiety but in my long experience with it is an autoimmune inflammation

response caused either by an ALLERGIC response (your body is suddenly allergic to milk or more likely excitotoxins like MSG--in most processed foods and WHEAT ---see 'wheatbelly"),

.....the results of sleep disorders

...the results of acid refluxes including esophogeal reflux

.....or an antibody

For research see Dr. Hyman, Dr. Cheney and fibromyalgia, anything on celiac, anything

on MSG and excitotoxins (never drink diet soda or consume MSG), milk onset allergy,

and especially LEAKY GUT information (Dr. Hyman). The key is to keep a close diary of causation imediately prior to onset of air hunger. What set it off?

It could simply be inflammation in your body, or it could be the wendys chili you ate 12 hours before.

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Blood pooling, or vessell constriction problems? Or sodium probems? Or inflammation problems? Or allergic problems? Quite complicated.

My air hunger feels like I can breathe just fine, sometimes I'm even panting like I've been exercising, but it just doesn't feel like I'm getting enough oxygen. I also feel like I have to take deeper breaths. The vessels in my neck always feel constricted during these times and my chest feels heavy although I do not test positive for asthma and I can fully inflate and deflate my lungs. Mine generally happens when I'm going up steps, walking up even a slight incline, or if I talk for too long at one time. I don't actually get out oof breath on the recumbent bike or doing the core strengthening exercises my PT has me doing on my back (slightly elevated). This leads me to believe that my issue is truly based on my blood pooling issues which are significant (even had lower extremity dopler to prove severe venous insufficiency. )

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@ Chaos, I do a lot of those sighs too. Or yawning! I would also rank it as one of the top symptoms that ****

@ spinner, that's a good idea to keep track and try to notice patterns. Lately it happens a lot when I'm trying to go to sleep at night, and today I got it in the car when we were going fast on the highway. That was not fun! It got better when it slowed down, maybe it was the change in pressure?

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  • 1 month later...

I know exactly what you are talking about. Sometimes I am fine and sometimes I have to sit down on the kitchen floor while trying to make toast because I feel lightheaded and I am breathing deeply because I feel like the air I am taking in isn't "working" . Ha! I have major blood pooling and the midodrine I take seems to help (not always) with this. It has been worse lately and it has been humid but I don't know little_Blue_Jay if it is correlated with the weather for me. Maybe. I am the only person in the neighborhood who can't wait for Fall! Lol.

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That is exactly the feeling Raisin...I'm taking in air but it doesn't feel beneficial!! xRobin, I too have had this happen in the car several times. This makes me think a mast cell issue because even movement etc...can cause mast cell problems. Riding in a car can make me feel scary terrible in general sometimes but not all the time.

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Any one else's air hunger/SOB get worse according to the weather?

It's very rainy & damp here and my SOB is very bad today!

Definitely! I noticed a correlation between this symptom and the weather when I first became ill and it continues even now 5 years later. My kids claim I'm a better weather barometer than anything they find online. :rolleyes:

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I know the feeling quite well too - breathing in seems to work normally, bute the usual effect of the air getting into my lungs simply won't kick in. Very disturbing indeed...

However, I also know a kind of opposite phenomenon: A feeling of having too much in my lungs and not being able to breath it all out, despite the fact that I can take a full expiration without problems.

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Any one else's air hunger/SOB get worse according to the weather?

It's very rainy & damp here and my SOB is very bad today!

Yes! On rainy days I feel worse in general, but I also find myself doing those sighs more often and yawning more often. I didn't notice the sighing until a couple of years ago when I realized that several people had pointed it out to me and thought I was just constantly annoyed! :rolleyes: Doh...

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