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A Bit Tmi- Stool Color?

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Hey, everyone. Sorry for the slightly TMI post, but I was just wondering if this happened to anyone else. This past week, I've noticed that my stool is really pale, and a rather sticky consistency. It's definitely different from my normal, and I'm not sure if I ought to bring this up with my doctor in May, or if it's normal, or what... Any thoughts are much appreciated! And once again, I apologize for the TMI-ness of it all.

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Agreed Corina--when I am having liver and gallbladder issues, my bm's color and consistency are all wrong, which I'm living through now with a dysmotility flare up. My gp is still checking me for infection via stool culture since I have a history of C-diff infections 3x, but I have a feeling the test will be normal.

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Mine is always pale...I suspect this stems from having my gallbladder removed at the beginning of my autonomic problems before diagnosis. I think now the early signs had nothing to do with my gallbladder....

Hi Angeloz,

mine is not pale, exactly the opposite because of constipation/slow moving transit. But like you I had my gall bladder removed and I now think it was autonomic problems before diagnosis. The pain I was getting that was 'gall bladder pain' continued for years after having my gall bladder removed. My gall bladder was full of stones however, but they apparently weren't causing any trouble. It was after my gall bladder removal that constipation became a more serious problem for me. I have to wonder if I needed my gall bladder.


I agree with Corinna. I'd be asking my doc about it.


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I would def bring it up. I had the same problems and felt a bit sick but didn't pay any attention. The nurse who did my injections at the time however called my doc who came straight away and ordered labs and an ultrasound. It turned out that my liver was off. It did heal by itself but I have regular bloodwork ever since (it can be caused by octreotide which I'm on). I learned that it's better to be safe than sorry!

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