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Hey guys,

I am 36 weeks pregnant and getting induced in the next 2-3 weeks. I was diagnosed with Pots only a couple of months ago. I have all the usual Pots symptoms and they are bad enough that I am bed ridden. I do not have doctors with Pots experience, they learned about it because of me. I am really nervous about delivery! I'm worried that my heart is not going to be able to handle it, or that I will faint in the middle of delivery. I don't understand how I pass out with stairs or standing/walking for a few minutes, but there's no concern for labor and delivery. I've had 2 babies, I know how hard it is.

Their plan for delivery is: to admit me the night before and keep me hydrated, and induce in the morning for a normal delivery not c- section. They are not concerned about my heart having problems because they say it's an electrical issue not a pumping issue with my heart. I don't know what that means, but hope they are right. When I bring up fainting during delivery (which is a symptom of mine) they say it won't happen. Anyways, I'm pretty nervous about my body being able to handle a delivery, and my doctors knowing what to do if a problem arises. I don't know if I am being unnecessarily nervous, or not. I really wish I had doctors with Pots experience, I'd feel so much more at ease. Anything you can say to help me feel better, or any advice you have please share!

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I don't have any children, so I can't speak directly to the delivery. But, is there any chance you could have your docs do a phone consult with an obstetrician that has had POTS patients before. I know the nurse midwife I see for my basic gyn needs has had other POTS patients. ...it's why my old gyn that retired referred me to her. Point being, I know there are gyn's out there that do have some experience with this.

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Katybug had a great idea. I do work in that field but am not a dr. And I've never had a patient with POTS. Guess it's pretty rare. But I would imagine that during the actual delivery, your pressure would go up and faiting is unlikely. Many women can faint afterwards and this is pretty normal as long as it improves quickly. I think extra fluids are possibly a good idea….just not too many-too much IV fluid is also a bad thing. But they will watch the totals.

I worry about all sorts of stuff when my daughter does it now. She always surprises me and is fine. I guess I would try not to worry. All moms worry about delivery and this is an extra stress in your mind. I try to remember what my cardiologist says. This condition is not fatal and will not hurt my daughter permanently. The real danger is her fainting and hitting her head. You will be in the hospital with all kinds of help when you stand. So try to relax and enjoy this beautiful experience.

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There are quite a few of us on this forum who had deliveries with active POTS. For some people POTS symptoms are improved in the 3rd trimester, but for others it is worse. My symptoms improved in the couple of weeks prior to my child's birth, but I was still quite disabled. I was not even diagnosed! I had the same concerns--if I can't handle walking up stairs how will I handle this? My doctor was unconcerned. In my case I was in labor for about 3 hours. Ultimately I had a C-section. I came home feeling like a train wreck, quite frankly. I felt my absolute worst postpartum--the first 2 months after my daughter was born I was quite ill. I think the cumulative lack of sleep and round the clock breastfeeding was ultimately harder on me than the birth. But I did not only survive, I ultimately improved tremendously. But it was very hard. I needed a lot of support. My mom lived w us for months. Anyway, everyone's experience is different. But it is good to be prepared for needing help in the early months, at least.

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