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Question About Nerve Damage

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I have been reading up on the internet about the most common case of POTS tends to be from some kind of nerve damage or neuropathy which causes veins not to constrict, blood to pool and y'all know the rest. My question is, how would medicine help? If nerves are damaged hoe would adding a medications like midodrine/stiumlants help stimulate veins to constrict and lessen pooling if the nerve endings don't receive the signals? Wouldn't they still stay vasodilator? Anyone know?

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I have also been thinking about nerves following this experience: I was at my physiotherapists - someone who knows nothing about POTS. I mentioned my stress incontinence. She said that she could do a quick technique to restore the nerve connection from my bladder to the brain (she may have put it differently). She did the technique which involved pressing with two fingers at the top of my bladder and manovering my legs. I didn't think it would have any impact. A few days later I was using my electronic pelvic floor stimulator and I noticed a difference. Whereas lately I've just felt a sort of buzzing sensation when I use it, on that day I felt my muscles contracting in response to it. After a few days this sensation stopped and I went back to feeling the buzzing sensation. The technique is called Emmett. I have arranged to go back for more. No idea if it will help. I started a vegeable based diet last week and I've noticed that I get a bit of a contraction with the electronic stimulator this week, I'm wondering if the diet will help the nerve connection in some way too?

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It seems a drug like midodrine works by: "Midodrine is a prodrug which forms an active metabolite, desglymidodrine, which is an α1-receptor agonist and exerts its actions via activation of the alpha-adrenergic receptors of the arteriolar and venous vasculature, producing an increase in vascular tone and elevation of blood pressure." It doesn't seem to work on nerves but more on receptors for the neurotransmitters. My daughter is also on Nadolol. This drug slows the heart to allow it to fill properly thereby increasing blood pressure only when used concurrently with Midodrine. This is my understanding of it al.


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So far we have not found a medication that will help my son nerve pain issues. Our cardiologist does think that POTS can cause these types of problems. The nerves do not function properly because of the mixed signals they are getting from the brain. There are so many receptors in the brain that help regulate this condition. With my son having a high viral load and having the anti-neuro antibodies in the brain, our cardiologist believs this is causing the nerve pain. However trying to find the underlying cause can be a long journey. Nerve pain can be caused by so many things (vitamin and mineral defencies, autoimuune disorders, medications)

My son takes the Midodrine. Our cardiologist wondered if this might be the problem and took him off for several weeks. His pain levels were the same and his blood pressure dropped lower. Some medications can make this problem worse but Midodrine was not the cause for son's pain. I would tell you to keep looking for answers.

I have ordered a book on Lyme and Mycoplasma. I have heard about some herbal supplemets that will help with inflammation in the body if it's coming from a virus or bacteria. Our cardiologist has said that we can try some herbs one at a time and see if this will help.

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