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Migraine With Confusion, Dizziness, Double Vision, Inability To Speak


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So, symptoms I've been reading about other people having happened to me today. I started the day with a really bad headache and then took an excedrine which seemed to help the headache some and went back to sleep. However, later in the day I started to develop dizziness and really bad brain fog which progressed into full-blown wandering around confusion. I was disturbed by this enough to wander around the neighbourhood to see if someone could take me to the hospital, but no one was home. So, I sat down and called 911, but when they answered, I couldn't form words! All I could say was "uh" and maybe the 1st consonant sound. I also began to develop double vision, so I couldn't see well. Can't see, can't think, can't speak... just great.

I end up in the ER where they ask lots of questions I can't answer... Finally after they figure out I am not having a stroke, they give me this IV mixture that takes away the headache and dizziness and allows me to think and speak again. The main ingredient was Reglan. The doc says that no one really knows why Reglan works for migraines, but it does, and he gives me a prescription for it.

I'm glad they figured out a way to bring me out of it. Hopefully I can stay out of the hospital for a while now...

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Eeww it may have been a complicated migraine. it appears a lot like a stroke. There was a newscaster who started slurring her words on the air. It was a migraine but she didn't have the pain, which is common as well. I hope they did an MRI though or something to make sure there wasn't something serious going on. Glad you are feeling better. Reglan gives me a terrible side effect.


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All that happened to you is in my migraine dictionary! it happens to me when I take my migraine med kinda late and whenever we get a low Barometric pressure (right before a storm), but since I got familiar with it usually I don't get scared unless I experience powerful irregular fast heart beats, that is where things go out of my control. Hope you get better.

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That sounds much like my migraines lately, but I can't do the Reglan... Talk about being tachy, panicky, and feeling worse than I was before. Glad it works for ya though! I've had several headaches lately, but I'm pretty much reduced down to just tylenol for them at the moment.

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I get like that it seems like every 6 months. it doesn't stat out with a headache. I start out with my right hand going numb, then the right side of my face goes numb and the right side of my tongue. then I get really lightheaded cant think or speak. my words are slurred and what I want to say doesn't come out. one time it was so bad I was at boarding school and I felt so disoriented and I went to email my mom because I was scared I emailed her but I thought I was emailing her what I wanted to say but it was all gibberish it came out like this: and ojipodasjpat ipaodjsas . that's an example what came out when I typed. then the other time I was at school and I suddenly got so disoriented then my right side of my face went numb hand and tip of tongue and my left side of face got all red and I went to check my blood sugar but my hands wouldn't work I couldn't put the strip in the machine I kept missing it so my staff brought me a glass of juice and checked my sugar for me it was normal but I was holding the glass of juice and it just dropped right out of my hand!!! I didn't even realize it. then I got a bad headache. sometimes I don't even get those symptoms I just get bad headache and get sick from it. I went to the neurologist and got mri done and ultrasound of my neck arteries and they said I get bad migraines. he prescribed me 400 miligrams of vitamin b2 but I haven't tried it yet. I got put on atenolol and that helped the severiety of it a little but I still get them. I hope all works out for you and I hope you feel better!!

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The doctor gave me this strange concoction he had developed that included Reglan, Prevacid, and the narcotic Dilaudid. I really did NOT like the way that made me feel at first. I felt a wave of pain, then dizziness, and heaviness, and heat (I think that's from the Dilaudid). I felt really panicky and restless but too sedated and confused to do anything about it. Part of my mind separated from itself and went into endurance mode to get through it.

Then after some time, maybe 10-30 minutes, my mind came back. I could think and see and I could talk to people again. I was able to have a coherent conversation with my doctor, who said that the Reglan was working. My headache was gone and my sensitivity to lights was better. I was still a little dizzy and unsteady on my feet, though.

It was scary to have my brain malfunction like that. It was like I was trapped and couldn't understand what was going on or communicate. I have empathy for patients with dementia or stroke damage.

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I have had something similar, with scotoma (a hole in my vision) and aphasia (inability to get words out, despite knowing what I want to say). It's incredibly scary, I'm sorry you've been through that :(

I've also had severe acute-onset double vision, but that was due to an allergic reaction. I'm glad to hear the Reglan helped!

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