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Loving Taurine


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Hey everyone, after a bit of research I decided to give taurine a try. I have been taking 500mg a day for about a week now. Apparently this is on the lower end of dosing, but I am genuinely impressed by its effects. I wanted to try it because my pvcs had suddenly become very frequent. While my dosage is way smaller than this pubmed study, I wanted to give it a shot http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16797868. Since I started my pvcs have decreased by at least 80% and both my standing and resting heart rate are lower. My heart rate during exercise is also a lot better/more comfortable. I have been reading a lot of studies (apparently my new favorite hobby) and taurine has some really interesting properties. It has been used for chronic heart failure, liver damage, autism, vision problems and a bunch of other stuff. It has been shown to reduce blood pressure in men, but I also saw a study that said it increased blood pressure in women.

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Good news and I'm glad it's helping you. I took taurine as well and loved it for several weeks. It significantly reduced heart palpitations and stopped that "wave" or rush of a feeling of panic that sometimes comes on. After a period of time, though, I experienced unpleasant mental symptoms so I had to stop. But I do hope it continues to help you and other people!

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Taurine also helps reduce high norepinephyrine levels and disregulates high Cam Kinese levels. There is much research coming out on Taurine. I will be giving this a try with my son to see if it will bring some improvements.


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Good news and I'm glad it's helping you. I took taurine as well and loved it for several weeks. It significantly reduced heart palpitations and stopped that "wave" or rush of a feeling of panic that sometimes comes on. After a period of time, though, I experienced unpleasant mental symptoms so I had to stop. But I do hope it continues to help you and other people!

Carrie if you don't mind sharing, what in particular did you notice and at what dose? It does have some potential to downregulate gaba receptors which could potentially lead to rebound anxiety. I haven't seen a lot regarding that though.

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Hi, I was taking it as part of a mixture that also included inositol, GABA, and theanine. I had already been taking inositol so I don't think that was the ingredient that affected me any differently. It was about 200 mg taurine, 40-50 GABA, and 20 theanine. I am normally upbeat and highly motivated. After taking this supplement for a period of time, I experienced depressive symptoms and crying spells. Nothing in life seemed interesting and everything seemed awful. This is very unlike me. There was nothing different going on in my life at the time so I am pretty certain the mood shift was due to the supplement. As soon as I stopped taking it, I was back to normal. However, we are all different so if it works for your heart palpitations (which it did for me too), then it sounds like a good thing to keep taking as long as it doesn't affect your mood. If it hadn't been for the weird mood changes I'd still be taking it!

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