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Hi, friends. My husband's brother-in-law's sister-in-law (got that? :angry: ) turned me on to this hilarious Web site. I've spent way too much time exploring this site tonight when I should have been off shining my sink. I think the tips will make you laugh ... And the best part is that the flylady is encouraging BabySteps ... which is about all most of us can take!

Have fun,

m :rolleyes:




I'm going to have a look at this website, but wanted you to know you're hilarious yourself!!! Ofcourse we don't understand who gave you the website: we have POTS :ph34r::blink::o (or maybe I'm just speaking for myself :P )



I love flylady, I even bought her book. She really helps - its surprising how much the baby steps can help. But we have to keep things in perspective and do what we can. Unlike other sites/books at least she has a theory of "do what you can" and doesn't try to guilt us into doing anything we can't.

We have a REAL mess... They came to put in the cemtral heat/air and now I feel knee-deep in plaster dust! Like I needed that...

Guest tearose

Wow Merrill!

I just spent about an hour over there laughing and feeling motivated! Thank you!

I think it comes just in time for my "spring cleaning" and neighborhood tag sale in July!

I may need some more time off from everything else as I continue to let go of my many "possessions/ treasures" that seem to burden my new more simplified lifestyle... also known as "de-cluttering"

best regards, tearose

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