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What Could Be The Culprit?


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Ok. I have been feeling not well for a couple days now. For starters I have not been sleeping well for the past 2 weeks. I usually fall asleep around 11. But the past week I have been falling asleep around midnight one am and two am. Last night I slept good though. I fell asleep around 11 before 1130 but I am still so tired its hard to function.

It started Thursday night. It was around 11 at night when I started feeling really warm and overtired. I never feel that tired. So I had a banana and went to bed. I woke up around 2 am Thursday night sweating and my heart beating so fast I have never felt it beat that hard. It literally felt like it was going to pound right out of my chest. I was shaking bad too. I had shortness of breath also. My shortness of breath has been worse this week. It seems like when I am really tired my shortness of breath gets worse for some reason. I finally was able to calm myself down, got egg nog and I fell back asleep. I woke up yesterday morning still hot and my heart beating fast. I took my atenolol and it stopped the fast heartbeat but then my eye started twitching like crazy. It twitched all day long yesterday and I was very tired yesterday too. I don't know if my eye twitching was from low calcium because I skipped my vitamin Thursday morning and yesterday morning because I didn't eat much to eat with it because when im really tired im not that hungry and I have to eat with it. So I took two tums for calcium and in a little while after it helped. But today I am still just very very tired. We didn't do much for Christmas. we drove 4 hours to relatives but im used to long car rides. we stayed there for two and a half days. all we did was go to the beach and walked around a little not long at all. and it was cold out so it wasn't hot or anything.

I don't know if it was because I had a lot of chocolate a couple days before Christmas and during Christmas. My parents baked those peanut butter cookies with a kiss in the middle so I had some of those and then at our relatives house they had mint patties out and I do not know if they are dark chocolate or not. I know dark chocolate has more caffeine but my cardiologist said chocolate was fine for me to eat. just not tea or soda. But I guess I may have had too much chocolate or something but my heart never has beated that fast in my life. I have a cardiologist appointment this month but it just scared me. I don't know why I am so tired lately either.

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Just having a different routine can throw your body off. Driving, expectations from your family, eating more or less, not getting your supplements or vitamins at the right time can cause your body more stress. Tyler loves to go see his grandmother but it's a 6 hour drive. We take our time and pace ourselves.


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