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You will never believe what I did!!


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I have been off the forum for quite a while due to dislocated shoulders. Anyone with eds can relate to this...I dislocated my left shoulder 3 times in one month. The first time I did it by rolling into my bedroom wall while sleeping, the second time I was just laying on the floor watching tv, and the third time was because of a test I had to have. Then I dislocated my right shoulder walking my dog...that probably wasn't to smart on my part though because my dog weighs half of my body weight and she loves to pull on the leash. So I have some questions for anyone with eds: How do you keep your joints in place? I am so restricted right now because of my shoulders that I feel like I won't ever be able to lift anything or take my dog for a walk. Also, what do people do for pain? Right now I use Lortab and Ultram, but I would like to get off narcotics so I was wondering what others are using for controlling pain. My last question is where can you get cerefolin? I live in Michigan and so far I have not been able to get it at any pharmacy in my town. If anyone has gotten cerefolin can you please give me your pharmacy name and phone number? My brain fog has gotten worse so I would really like to try cerefolin. I hope everyone is doing well!!


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I don't use cerefolin (yet). As for the joints... hmmm ... physical therapy has helped my stabilize things for now. I do, however, occasionally dislocate my jaw, and sometimes my toes (of all things!) and my knees and hips don't fully dislocate, but I've had partial dislocation of both. My spouse is a former horse trainer, so between me relaxing and Teri tugging and pulling, we can usually get them back in place...except for my jaw. That usually takes muscle relaxants.


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