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Metoprolol - Beta Blocker Side Effects


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Trying a new beta blocker as the Atenolol side effects didn't seem to be improving. With Metoprolol, I take 12.5 mg twice a day. About 30 minutes after taking I got moderately dizzy for about 4 hours - then just slightly dizzy for another few hours. No issues with nausea or brain fog like with the Atenolol. Has anyone else had the "dizzys" when starting a new Beta Blocker. Did it wear off? PLEASE be positive. I need hope and encouragement and would prefer not to read horror stories that scare me. Thank you for understanding :-)

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Hang in there. It's often a lot of trial and error for all of us as we attempt to find a med regimen that works. While our docs (who aren't POTS specialists) frequently act like we are freaks of nature to have such odd reactions to meds, those of us on here know all too well how weird our reactions can be. You definitely aren't alone. Going thru a lot of different meds is not unusual for us. Personally my primary care doc has told me he never expects me to have a "usual" reaction to a med. Says he knows to look first under the "rare" list for my drug reactions. :rolleyes:

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It takes a while to adjust to new meds, especially betas. You may need to give it at least a few weeks before your body adjusts to it. It took me a while to adjust to mine and I had many increased symptoms after starting it including dizziness! Once my body adjusted I no longer had side affects at all. So do hang in there and give it some time. It may be hard and frustrating at first and feel like a set back but that's how these meds can feel at first. If you adjust to the meds and turn that corner where the side affects aren't like this then it will be all worth it :)

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Chaos and MedicGirl, I sincerely thank you for the encouragement - you are right that it is frustrating (and frightening!) to try meds and endure the side effects to then have to abandon them for something else and start all over. Hopefully this will be the keeper. I have been sick with different things for three years - not realizing dysautonomia was at the root of it all.

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Just to repeat what everyone else has said, its pretty normal to have these kind of reactions to any new medication, especially beta blockers. Additionally, our bodies have weird responses to medications sometimes. I've definitely experienced this with my last beta blocker attempt. Like Chaos said, it can be a bit trial and error, but I think you are on the right track :). Best wishes to you, and I will be sending good vibes your way that your body will adjust soon, and this will be the right med for you!

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You will get used to them!! beta blockers may lower blood pressure. Maybe check your blood pressure next time you feel dizzy. if your blood pressure is low maybe try eating something with salt and drinking some Gatorade for electorlytes. If you really don't feel well try having a ramen for lunch they are loaded with salt. you will feel better all people are different when they adjust to meds. if you don't feel better soon maybe you could talk to your doctor about switching meds. Hang in there!!

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I know you just want positive feedback. I have been on Metoprolol for 2+ years, no side effects that I know of :) I am on 75mg. per day (25mg 3x). I still have ups and downs and I still get "flare ups" but nothing like I did prior to taking it. I am also on .5mg of Xanax 3x a day and I really think that that does the most good for me. You must keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to various drugs. I have never been on anything else. Hope this helps. Good luck with your meds.



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