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Dad in hospital again

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Hey guys,

I need your support again about my dad. He is going back to the hosptial and I am so sad. He got really really confused again and now they have to more tests. He is in Orlando now so I am hoping he will get better care. The phone has all ready started, my Gran has all ready pulled back and expects me to carry her along, as well as trying to help my sister my mother deal with this and worrying so for my father. Had my own doctors visit today and I am exhasuted, frustrated and have a headache from ^&%^(&()*_()&&

The hole is getting deeper again.

So can you guys jsut say a little prayer or send a thought or if your to deep maybe wave hi!



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Hi Stacey,

I'm so sorry for you and your family. You all have so many worries about your dad. I'm sending very good thoughts your way and your dad's way and really hope he will be some better soon. I wish you had an easier time because you have so much going on. Was your doctor able to help you today? Know that we'll be thinking of you and your dad, very best wishes to the both of you!!!!!


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I am sending prayers to you, your dad, and your whole family. I can empathize, I went through a very long illness with my father. If you don't mind though, I would like to give you some advice, PLEASE take care of yourself. I know with everything going on it is stressful, but if you don't take care of yourself-you eventually crash-take it from someone with experience. I didn't do it and I crashed-haven't been the same since. My heart goes out to you, and please don't take my advice the wrong way. I just don't want to see you end up in the hospital as well :)

Hugs and prayers,


Please keep us updated.

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You are in my prayers also, along with your dad and family. Remember I just went through similar stresses with my mother and step-father. The one thing IKNOW is that you need to set a boundary for yourself. It's OK to help when you can, and to do what you can for your dad, but its not OK to not take care of you!!!

Please take time for you. Hugs Miriam :P;):rolleyes:

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Thanks everyone,

He is ok, has a bad sinus infection I guess that started the confusion but I am not sure that is it. Still have to wait until June 14 to get him to a specialist but we all know about that. Anyway thank you very much for your thoughts and prayers and hopefully I won't slide much further in!

You give me strentgh and that is a precious commiditiy I know!


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I'm a little late in chiming in here, but I just wanted to let you know that I am keeping you and your father in my thoughts and prayers. I'm stretching my hand down in the hole as far as it can go, so just grab it and I'll try to pull you out before you slide any further! :)



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Guest Mary from OH


Hugs and Prayers to you and your Dad!! You guys have sure been through the wringer lately!! I pray things will let up soon. I will keep praying for you and your family. Know that we love you and are thinking of you always!!

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