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95% Of Serotonin Is Made In The Gut....who Knew?


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Good find. If we heal the gut, maybe some of these POTS symptoms will go away. Can't wait to get Tyler tested for Celiac.


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I've known that most of our serotonin is in the gut - for some years. When I'm very badly constipated (which happens to me a lot) I feel very low and depressed and seem to shed a lot of tears and get very distressed.

I'm of the opinion that my gut problems are a symptom of my pots and after 8 and half years of dealing with various levels of constipation from complete to not to bad, I have come to accept that I just can't solve the gut problems -- I've tried everything that it was possible for me to try. I rely on a strong laxative when things get bad and this laxative causes problems in itself. Sigh


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