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Atkins Diet?

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I doubt it would help but what do I know lol. Be careful though because the diet can be dangerous long-term if you do not do it correctly. For the short-term, you may want to make sure you get enough potassium in your diet while you are transitioning. Avocados, salmon, and spinach are all low carb foods that contain a lot of potassium.

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend the diet unless you are monitored by a physician (who knows what they are doing). Also, the transition will be **** and it will probably take more than three weeks to even become adapted to the diet.

Good luck.

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LMG, it helps me because for some reason when I do eat a carby meal I tend to feel very tired and almost like I am getting blood pooling in my stomach, even if it is something small I still find a degree of sluggishness happening afterwards, most of which I didn't truly realise until I cut out the carbs. I also find that because of the way low carb works I tend to have more energy than on a 'normal' diet while eating very healthily/balanced/calorie dense. I also sleep much better and generally feel 'lighter' even though I am purposely maintaining my weight & not losing, it's sort of like my body is just processing things much, much better. I also get much less brain fog and barely any migranes any more.

It might not work for everyone, and it can sometimes be strict or tricky, but I think it's something worth trying properly (meaning no slip-ups or cheating, making sure to calculate carbs and fat every day etc) for at least a month just to see how your body reacts to it. I can honestly say that I will be sticking to this for life. :)

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Thanks for the replies everyone.

Millyaulait, that's great that it has helped you so much.

Badbht, Yes he is a really great doctor, and very caring. I am able to contact him at any time during the three week trial to discuss how things are going. I've decided that I'm probably going to start the diet this week, so here goes! :)


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