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Pinching Feeling In Right Shoulder.


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For the past hour my right shoulder when I move it it feels like there is abug biting it and it feels like something is pinching it and when I move it feels like the pinch is arubber band and when my shoulder moves the rubberbadn feeling stretches with the pinch. its weird. am I making sense? what is wrong with it?

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I don't know if it is the same thing but for the past 6 or so years I have occasionally had a very sharp pinching feeling in my right shoulder. Through trial and error I eventually figured out that it will go away when my husband just barely presses the right side of my upper spine on a specific spot. I feel a little click, as if it is shifted back into place and the shoulder pain disappears. I have had two spine MRIs since I have been sick and nothing showed up as far as I know so I have no idea what the cause is.

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