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Lightheaded. Need Woman To Woman Advice Please!


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Can periods make dysautonomia symptoms worse? I have been lightheaded all week Then today I felt worse. I was really lightheaded and when I went outside to collect leaves and I felt so much worse as I stepped outside. it was fine weather and everything. then I was eating dinner then I keep feeling really disoriented like a zombie lfeeling like everything is an illusion or like I am in a dreamlike state. I mean I have been feeling like that for years now but it felt worse today. then I got my period this afternoon but I still feel disoriented and in a dream like state.

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Yeah periods definitely have an effect on POTS. As Naomi mentioned, you can search google for information on POTS and Mestruation. This is also something that I have seen posted on the forum before:



Fainting Goat

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