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I get a buzzing, humming sound in my left ear quite a lot. Interestingly it often starts in the afternoon, gets louder and louder throughout the evening and then stops during the night, only to start again the next afternoon. Does anyone else find this?

It's worse than normal at the moment and is buzzing nearly all the time, and I wondered if anyone on here who has tinnitus has found anything that helps?


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Before TheMorning,

I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. :(

I have had tinnitus my whole life it seems. Mine has gotten worse over the years, especially after my POTS dx. It seems as though mine gets going in the afternoon too and really bad at night. I either watch my NOOK or listen to music to go to sleep. It is quite annoying. I've also noticed somewhat of a hearing loss as now I have to resort to lip reading (which can be quite awkward depending on with whom I'm speaking!) and I have to put CC on the TV lest my poor family has to repeat everything everyone says.

So sorry, I have no answers. I've asked dr.s about it and they look at me like I just grew another eye! I'm considering going to my hub's ENT to see if he can figure it out. At least maybe give me hearing tests and such.

I've read that sometimes it has to do with blood pressure.

Hope you get some relief and if you do, please keep us posted!

Best wishes,


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I have a fluttery sound that occurs in both ears when I have been standing for too long. It disappears when I sit or lay down. It seems to be more problematic on worse dysautonomia days. Other than getting off my feet I haven't found anything else that helps me.

My mother has a problem with episodes of ringing/buzzing in her ears. I took her to an allergist and he suggested it was allergy related and recommended she take an antihistamine as needed which seems to have helped her.

I hope you find some relief.


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Thanks for the replies everyone. I hope we can all find some relief from this. If I find out anything that helps I'll let you know, although sometimes it can be hard to tell what's helping because it comes and goes anyway. :) I'm so sorry for you guys that are dealing with this constantly.

Bebe, that's really interesting that yours tends to start up in the afternoon and evening too. I wonder what causes it?

Janet, that's interesting that an antihistamine helps your mother. My tinnitus often gets a lot worse after I've been cleaning a dusty room or something like that.


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  • 1 month later...

I've always had mild tinnitus throughout my life. BUT they put me on vancomycin earlier this year and it greatly increased the loudness of tinnitus in my right ear. VERY annoying, particularly with it being lop-sided now. Mine's loud enough that even driving at 80 mph on the interstate still isn't loud enough to cover up the noise. For me it's a very high-pitch whine which just never goes away. Sometimes it will get louder, usually when I'm tired, which is the last time I'd ever want it to be that way.

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I have the same problems. Was both, and mostly left. Now it is only right but ringing loud enough for four.

I had some temporary relief with antihistamine. Now it does not help, but it is only one ear now.

It is worse as the day goes on, and after spending lengths of time up right. It is worse during my flares. It also get worse before one of my spells. I know when the spell is coming because of my ears. My sound sensitivity goes up and down with the ear ringing.

I would try two things. The antihistamine and thoroughly cleaning the ears with ear drops.

I did read a report of the problem being common with people with degenerative discs above C4/C5 and correcting one corrected the other. I have also read some getting relief by stimulating the vagus nerve.

I think mine is related to cerebral blood flow, somehow.

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Since my issue started I have it in my left ear. Pretty much only at night and it's definitely in my left ear only. The way it sounds reminds me of the sound a modem used to make when using a dial up connection if that makes sense. I sleep with a TV on because I can hear the TV over the ringing. I also hear it less if I sleep on my right side as pressing my ear against the pillow makes it much worse. So strange.

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I've had horrible problems with noise in both ears: ringing, buzzing, crunching, you name it. It's in both ears, but louder on the right side. It is definitely worse when my POTS is worse. It has kept me up on many nights. It improves sometimes, and comes back on its own. I have seasonal allergies, and it is worse from that too - so I understand what you mean about the dust. I think I have gotten so used to it now that I almost don't notice it most of the time. I went through extensive inner ear testing when I first got POTS. They thought at first I had an ear issue, but turned out to be nothing. So I chalk it up as yet another strange, annoying symptom!

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Tinnitus was the first "POTS" symptom I noticed, back in July 2012. I still have it now, but it's much less than it was. I only get it in my left ear and I usually only notice it when lying in bed on my left side. I've had issues with that ear before POTS, though, as I had a rough wisdom tooth removal that knicked the nerve, which leads up to the left ear. I really do want to see a chiropractor this year, as I wonder if there is a pinched nerve somewhere in my neck or upper back contributing to this.

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Tinnitus was the first "POTS" symptom I noticed, back in July 2012. I still have it now, but it's much less than it was. I only get it in my left ear and I usually only notice it when lying in bed on my left side. I've had issues with that ear before POTS, though, as I had a rough wisdom tooth removal that knicked the nerve, which leads up to the left ear. I really do want to see a chiropractor this year, as I wonder if there is a pinched nerve somewhere in my neck or upper back contributing to this.

From what I was reading, you would look for it in the upper neck.

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  • 2 months later...

I do have pulsatile tinnitus in my left ear only (wooshing sound with every heart beat). It started at the time when my POTS finally flared up extremely one year ago. As I was only diagnosed with POTS in Aug. 2013, I didn't make a connection. Later on, I thought this specific type of tinnitus may point to a possible underlying cause of my POTS, but I guess this is not very likely.

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Here is an article on Taurine. Taking Taurine may help tinnitus. Tyler takes it to help balance his electrolytes.


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  • 4 years later...
On 12/29/2013 at 12:17 PM, bunny said:

I've always had mild tinnitus throughout my life. BUT they put me on vancomycin earlier this year and it greatly increased the loudness of tinnitus in my right ear. VERY annoying, particularly with it being lop-sided now. Mine's loud enough that even driving at 80 mph on the interstate still isn't loud enough to cover up the noise. For me it's a very high-pitch whine which just never goes away. Sometimes it will get louder, usually when I'm tired, which is the last time I'd ever want it to be that way.

@bunnyThat’s what mine is: a high pitched whine.  Like radio frequency.  And then I’ll hear a “boop” sound, as if from a sonar device.  So annoying.  I don’t have high BP but thinking it’s now nerve damage in my ear.

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