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Twitchy Movements?

Guest Hanice

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Guest Hanice

I dont know how to describe it but, when I move I feel like my movements aren't normal. Almost like my movements are ticking?? Like a strobelight. Like I'm doing the robot. My movements dont feel continuous and smooth. My husband cant tell but I think I can see it too, not only feel it.

https://db.tt/6LB7GntR those are my mri pics of my brain. I feel kinda confused about them. I highlighted about four of them.

Do any of you feel this also?

Edited by MomtoGiuliana
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I occasionally have what feels like twitchy, loss of control type movement in my hands. I have tremors in my hands but this is different. It's makes me break dishes frequently because when I wash the dishes I will have a sudden uncontrolled movement and either drop the dish or bang it against something else in the sink. (When I'm really unlucky I get a two-fer and break both things. Lol.). The other time I feel it is when I'm writing. I will suddenly have a loss of control that will cause my writing to be jerky (it's different from my tremors.).

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Unfortunately, I feel like it is very unlikely many, if any of the people here have the expertise to interpret your MRI images. However, I applaud you for having the bravery to post them. I think in the future people will be less likely to be concerned about privacy and more likely to post medical records online where they can crowd source help. It will be a revolution in medicine.

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Guest Hanice


All I care about is my kids and getting better so I can be able to funtion like a normal person. I dobt understand what all the secrecy is about it. It would be great if people would just be more open. Maybe if I was a celebrity would care (maybe not) but what do I care? Lol


Thank you. It does feel somewhat like that.. Dumb old ans.

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I just made a post about this, I am moving it to this thread

I have noticed over the past couple weeks especially, that my movements are ever so slightly becoming shaky and more uncoordinated then ever. I also have trouble following things with my eyes. Every neurology visit he does tests these things, and it really shows me that my accuracy and coordination is off. The only test they did was a brain MRI that is normal.

I wonder at what point does uncordination become more of something like ataxia? I wonder if it is sensory or cerebellar?

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