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Fluxuating Bp/pulse


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So for the last several months my bp has been really low. Almost always below 100/60 and my resting pulse is usually about 53. I'm always exhausted and feel like I'm walking through concrete. So my cardiologist put me on florinef. It didn't do much except make me kinda crabby so I decided to stop taking it for a couple of days. Surprisingly my bp went up slightly OFF the medicine but my pulse still remains low. I have read a lot on this forum that our vitals can change all the time. Some days we will read close to normal and the next back to very abnormal. Just wondering what others experiences are because my cardiologist is starting to talk pacemaker and I'm only 44. One day feeling close to normal, the next walking thru mud...strange to me.

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I would make sure you have a heart problem before you get a pace maker. As for the low and fluctuating bp/pulse stuff, I sympathize. My pulse and bp can go from 75/40 with a pulse of 47, to 106/75 with a pulse of 80 within a minute or two. (or random pulse spikes up to 106 sitting, like today) Constant fluctations, and pulse drops and spikes quite a bit.

The best thing I have found for this so far is Midodrine to raise the blood pressure. This makes it so that your body doesn't have to work so hard to be stable. it's kept my pulse more stable too, which is nice. I would consider asking your doc about it if your bp is just too low.

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Hi, I am also an all over the place BP and HR. I don't like to follow any rules ;)

For me as far as HR Because my body always comes back into a normal range on its own we've decided a pacemaker is not for me right now. I have several appointments with 2 EP's to come to that conclusion, but I do know other Dysautonomia patients with pacemakers. Make sure to really talk about it and get a second opinion. Not that I thought you wouldn't ;)

To empathize; ugh I hate being all over the place. its like one hour I am near drooling on the couch with low hr and bp the next hour I am still on the same couch but my heart is going faster with palpatations and my bp is 150/100. It's exhausting on my body to always flip around like that.


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