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How Can They Treat Me?


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So had my autonomic testing today.

I had a bad flarr. Hr resting 100 and bp 144/87. Usually lower and normal readings.

Stuck in hospital. If I sit up my hr flys up and dizzy I get these weird flares.

How can my doc treat me as my bp is usually normal but its high on the tests?

Im so helpless right now....feel so emotional.

I guess ill have to see what tests say and might get another 24hour bp test?

Any suggestions?

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I think the best thing to remember during a flare is that it's exactly that - a flare. You got better before, although of course not 100%, but still better than THIS, so there is a very very good chance that you will get better again to at least where you were a couple weeks ago. This too shall pass... Best wishes your way, Andy. Keep us updated.

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Hang in there Andy. They can monitor you in the hospital and maybe the doctor can get a better handle on how the POTS is affecting your body. This may turn out better than you think. May have a better treatment plan coming your way.


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Are you on any meds? I remember you saying you were looking Into taking meds soon. I'm sorry I dont remember If you actually started any. I know you'll get better. Give yourself a hug hug from me. We all go through it. Your not alone we are here for you. Just try to relax as much as you can. I wish you the best.

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Sometimes the best place to be when having a flare is in the hospital in front of the people that are going to write the report. When I had my 2 tilt tests I was in bad shape with pots symptoms and had raging migraines. They asked if I wanted to reschedule and I said no....this is what I've been describing happens so no better time than the present to do the testing. It gave very clear results. I know flares are terrible to get through but maybe it's a blessing in disguise if it helps the docs understand what truly happens to you. Will keep you in my good thoughts.

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I'm sorry to hear you are going through this, Andy. Like the others mentioned, maybe this is a good thing and it'll help the docs to figure out how best to treat your case and what meds to put you on. Being in the hospital is no fun, but maybe this is what was needed so they can finally find a regimen that works for you. I will be thinking about you and hope that something good comes out of this for you. Let us know how you're doing when you get a chance. Take care and try to rest.

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