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What Helps Or Hurts The Tachycardia Among Foods/supplements (Not Drugs)?


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magnesium can help lower the heart rate, but in some it can also cause hypotension

apple cider vinegar helps me as well - it's rich in both potassium and magnesium - my "recipe": 1 tablespoon of ACV + 1 tablespoon of honey in one cup of water once or twice a day

cayenne pepper is another thing that can be used for tachycardia (some dissolve it in milk, I mix it with honey)

also I remember reading about a mix of garlic, cayenne pepper and honey, or a mix of ACV, blackstrap molasses, garlic and cayenne pepper - never tried it though.


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I bet Alex know what Im about to say....

AVOID..... N U T M E G......

I didn't know about the cayenne or the ACV having magnesium and potassium! Thanks! I have it and today I actually thought to myself "why did I stop using this?" Its so delicious! Dipped in with a wheat baguette yummy!

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Well I didn't know about the nutmeg to be avoided! Good to know. Does the COQ10 lower the blood pressure though, Katy? Isn't that strange that the supplements that calm the heart rate can lower the blood pressure, like magnesium. For me, I am experimenting with different foods to see why my heart rate has recently become so elevated -- sitting too. Definitely sugar, a no brainer I think. Coffee.

The apple cider vinegar/honey mix sounds good. I will try it. I didn't know about cayenne pepper.


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Just fyi...I don't have any I'll effects from my CoQ10 or nutmeg. I think all of this is very individualized for those of us with dysautonomia. I also have eds and mcas. I can't have a drop of alcohol but I also have odd things like avocado that make me have flares. I list avocado now as a food allergy but it doesn't cause any of the normal allergy symptoms. It causes me to have a pots flare along with gi symptoms. Most of the other foods I list as allergies do the same thing.

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