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Social Life


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I am 17 and have almost no social life. I barely see my friends or even talk to them. I have so much trouble tying to keep up a conversation because I just don't have the brain power. The only time I go out is for infusions twice a week and doctor appointments. I sometimes find the energy to go out just to stop myself from going stir crazy.

This is the age where you are supposed to be going out and doing stuff with your friends! Not being stuck inside, barely being able to get out of bed.

I guess I'm just looking for suggestions on how to maintain at least a little bit of a social life. This disease is hard enough without having no one to be around apart from your parents and nurses.

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Do you have friends who are understanding of you not being able to be up much? I feel that makes a difference in the types of social activities you could do with friends.

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Alex- I'm sorry that you are suffering.

Most people your age are not going to understand what you are going though.I just wanted to encourage you that it's ok to focus on yourself now and worry about "catching up" socially later.

We moved to a different state right before I had a major crash which led to my diagnosis. I'm making an effort to be more social because I am feeling better.

There may be some kind of chronic illness support group for teens that you could find online? I realized that many people with other conditions understand how I feel.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so sorry to hear this, it's very unfair.

Have you maybe considered something you can control?

I host a book club with 6 other friends once a month. I chose the day, I know we still have unpredictable bad days but I chose a day where I have had an infusion and rest the day before to try for the best odds. I have it at my house so I am not having to stress about getting somewhere and if I start to feel bad half way, yadda yadda.

Some things still ****, I know they all see each other more often and even though they are awesome its hard to hear an inside joke and be on the outside because I wasn't there. These are the types of things that won't change so I have to find ways to cope with that feeling and not let it overtake the time I have with friends.

Maybe you could try a few different things, maybe invite a friend to keep you company during your infusion, or invite a few people over for an hour or two for something kind of specific, like video games, a movie or something else you like.

It is tough, ((big hug))


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I know exactly what you are going through. I dont have a single friend left and haven't for years. No one to even text or talk with on the phone. They all moved on when I got sick so it does get lonely and as you know trying to make new local friends at this point is nearly impossible. I want you to know that I am here if you want to talk anytime! I'd be more than happy to chat with you, let you vent, hear about your days that are bad, anything. Hang in there!

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