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Whats Your Treatment Plan?


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Hey guys,

What meds are you on specifically for POTS?

I have been reading a lot into my causes and mine is due to slack blood vessels from eds type 3, so for me Midodrine etc would be a good drug, im still going through testing before using it though.

- Are there anyone who has been treated with medicine and can work full time and live a normal(more or less) life?

I'm hoping my treatment plan might go as follows:

Midodrine to control the slack vessels and pooling blood = more blood returning up = less tachycardia and light headedness, depending on relief dosage will obviously need to be worked out.

Possibly adding Florinef to Midodrine if extra pressure is needed.

I suffer from worse symptoms after certain foods like a big mac for example or large meals - possible Octerine added if no relief from the above.

Whats your medicines, how do you function with them and what do they do for you?

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HI, Andy,

Hey guys,

What meds are you on specifically for POTS? (Keep in mind, im hyper pots) but, I'm on Midodrine, Florinef, Propanolol, Clonidine, H1 + H2 blockers, and Ativan

- Are there anyone who has been treated with medicine and can work full time and live a normal(more or less) life? different medication combination combo's. I believe my exercise regimen has helped a great deal and the increase in sodium..

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I'm taking mestinon and I've recently started IVIG infusions (my current diagnosis is POTS with a low positive ganglionic AChR antibody :blink: ). Also I liberally salt my food - I doubt that what I do is considered salt loading though - and I drink around 3 liters of water a day (this amount of water was my norm even before POTS)

Meds I have tried in the past to no avail: midodrine, florinef, beta blockers, SSRI's, benzos. I discontinued these one by one because of the side effects and/or because they have actually made my POTS worse.

It's a bit early for me to speak of the benefits of the IVIG, but I am hoping it will help.

Best of luck in finding the right med combo for you.


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