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Burning Pain Help Please

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Does it feel kind of like when you might have exercised too long in the past or were working a muscle too hard in gym class when it would get that "muscle burn"? One theory is that some of us go into anaerobic metabolism at a very early level (has been demonstrated on cardiopulmonary exercise testing). One of the byproducts of anaerobic metabolism is lactate which can cause that type of muscle burning/aching pain.

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if it turns out to be lactic acid build-up, I posted some links on pickle juice not too long ago. Give it a try. Or if you prefer a "healthier" version - apple cider vinegar. It's the vinegar in the pickle juice that helps, not the salt. Also the acv is quite rich in potassium and magnesium and these 2 minerals may also help with the burning sensations.


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Could it be inflamed blood vessels? I have mention central nervous system vasculitis to my son's cardiologist. This is rare and does not always show up in the blood test done to check for inflammation. Google this and you will find some information. My son has had many of the same test and nothing shows up to indicate inflammation. My son was not able to sleep through the night because of the pain issue. He would complained that he hurt all over and sometimes he would describe the pain as a burning sensation. My son saw his neurologist a week ago and she put him on extended release clonidine to see if it would help him with the pain and sleep through the night. Last night, my son woke up one time, so this medication is beginning to help him. This pain is real so don't let a doctor tell you it's all psychological. My son still has a headache and his scalp is still very tender. It is still very hard for him to wash his hair because of the painful scalp. Not only is washing the scalp painful for him but his vocal tic will also start up. Vasculities is rare. Have you been to see a true immunologist. This might have something to do with your immune system. My son was seen by an immunologist and because of some things that showed up, more testing had to be done. BTW our cardiologist wants to wait on checking my son out for vasculites since some things have showed up in his immune system testing. Hope you feel better soon and get some answers from your doctors. You might try alternating hot and cold packs or just try ice and see if that helps.

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I think vasculitis is pretty easy to spot as it usually comes with visible "rashes" in the affected areas...I mean one of 120 drs should be able to pick that up. Given all the doctors you've seen and all the tests I imagine you had...that's a tough question.

Have you considered the possibility of this being a side effect from one of your meds? I'll PM you a link ...


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I truly feel your pain . I have symptoms similiar in my thighs,legs and feet which worsen with exercise of the lower extremities (climbing stairs..It feels like I have been running long distance or climbing a mountain). I Had abnormal QSART but skin biopsy ( please make sure you get a copy of your result) was normal in fiber density but was commented as "unusual and excessive fibers" and will see a specialist for dysautonomia in Septmember. My neurologsit told me my skin biopsy was normal but didn't go into further details with me until he sent me a copy . I then contacted him about the comments on my report ( I'm not even sure if he saw it until I brought it to his attention)and told me that he didn't know why I have excessive and unusual huge numbers of fibers but to ask the specialist that I will be seeing in september. I was not pleased at all. I think your symptoms goes with dysautonomia. Its very uncomfortable to say the least and no one understand you because most of your lab work comes back normal and they think you are imagining things. I believe in your discomfort and don't stop until you have reasonable answers for your pain. small fiber neuropathy can do just that, with normal skin biopsy (go to THERAPATH.com). You can also have normal fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin AIC and have impaired 2 hr GTT or abnormal glucose tolerance test which can cause neuropathy. Stay strong and I hope you will find the right doctor soon.

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Fightagainstpots, Even though your cpk is normal, have they tested you for all of the different antibodies associated with the myositises? Myositis can truly only be ruled out by using these tests from what I've read (even though docs seem to poopoo this idea and don't order the other tests when cpk is normal.). I had to arm myself with the specific antibodies I wanted tested and push a doc to order them. I don't have it but it needed to be properly ruled out.

Marigold, I just recently read a publication (I think posted on a thread on this forum) that specifically linked unusual and excessive nerve fibers with fibromyalgia. In fact , the paper was saying that they were consistently finding these excessive numbers of nerve fibers in fibro patients vs. much lower numbers in the controls showing proof of fibro as a real disease.

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